The different smells accompany man throughout the course of life. A man or a woman has its own unique flavor. In some, it is elusive and does not feel, but the people stand out from the crowd because of its smell. Scientists have long identified, it is not only the color of the skin, eyes and hair which distinguishes man from the other. In scent of the cosmetics of the TWENTIETH century, a new trend - perfumes with pheromones. They have received a wide circulation. For what they are - the perfume with pheromones? We will understand.
What is it?

The pheromones of a large group of chemical compounds capable of having an impact on the endocrine system is the body's reaction. These ingredients are of the opposite sex to the reaction associated with the livestock. The pheromones have the ability to work on all kinds of processes: they manage feelings, emotions and the physiological state.
There are two types of pheromones: organic and synthetic. Bio are produced by special glands are extracted from plants. Synthetic and produced in laboratories.
Organic are:
- Androstenone. Produced mainly in men, forcing them to see in him a representative of the stronger sex, able to reproduce.
- The more powerful the woman of the pheromone. Day of the woman the pheromone, increases in men, the libido.
- The most powerful pheromones of the males. Produced in men and women, promotes the occurrence of the sensation of a young and strong man, the best instance for the reproduction.
- Androstadienone. The pheromone is inherent to men, is able to elevate the mood and bring a smile.
- Androsterone. Refers to a male pheromones, which cause in women a sense of security.
Synthetic pheromones:
- Pheromone, which reinforces the sex appeal.
- The pheromone, which is capable of increasing the activity of the men.
Mainly in the perfume are present synthetic components, strengthened by the action of plants and animals as aphrodisiacs.
You need to know about pheromones?
On these substances, we know that:
- In 10% of men differs from the pheromone androsterone, which explains their success with women.
- The fastening means of the hair to block the action of these substances, which are located in the loops.
- Alcohol destroys pheromones, which is why the spirits with aphrodisiacs on the alcohol does not exist.
- The substance is easily destroyed through the sweat and the evil to penetrate through the clothing.
Have no idea on the features of pheromones, you can exclude situations related to their conservation.
How do perfumes with pheromones?
A perfume with the same fragrance has a great popularity, in spite of the fact that the action of substances at the end are not known and there is still a lot of mysteries and secrets. Scientists are still studying the influence of the spirits with pheromones.
In the body of the man, that smell recognizes the organ of Jacobson, which is discovered more recently. Originally, it only exists in animals. The organ located in the nasopharynx and is the receptor for the smell of a certain type. The influence of the pheromones is not a perfume, but the signal in the brain of the canal hotel.
Themselves, substances do not possess a strong smell, but they necessarily felt by the people without too much problems. The effectiveness of pheromones is revealed only through close contact.
According to the comments, scent the pheromones affect the people of the oneness. A certain reaction to these flavors exist. The person who has received a signal of attraction of the opposite sex, necessarily proof of a attention and subconsciously wants, for the contacts have become close.
How are made the spirits?

The first scent created in the UNITED states in the 90s of the last century. Then begins the release of these funds, which have added a large number of effective chemical compounds. There are perfumes with pheromones for men and women.
Fully decipher the effects on the body's pheromones and its composition could not, in spite of the development of science. The substance was so unique and difficult to repeat it in the original is not one of the scientists.
According to the comments, the perfume with pheromones are made in a special way. At the present time, it is based from pork breast, because it is the animal closest to man in terms of anatomy. Within the treated animal, and add in the spirits. In the first edition of these perfumes have been conducted in the current investigations, which have focused on the transformation of women in the model.
The men began to celebrate, which has changed the attitude of the girls better, and has established the contact to the word, and the eyes, but fervent affection has not been noticed. At the present time are a lot of women perfumes with pheromones.
If you take advantage of the same scent continuously, the result can be interested in not having a man or a woman, and quite foreign. Apply these scents with caution.
Characteristics of the fragrance for girls
What properties have women perfumes with pheromones? These perfumes contain substances that are capable of attracting the attention of men. It is the sex hormones, which, at a subconscious level to help people to choose their companion. Product of the pheromones in the area of the armpits and nosogubnoy hollow. The receivers read this little odor.
Studies have confirmed that a few drops of perfume enough to feel the effect, and the woman has managed to become a destination for men.
When the use of perfume for girls attractiveness increases, and increases the chance to stand out from the total mass of the beauties. Although the scent is not the panacea in the difficult relations between men and women. And as the girl directing increased attention in depends entirely on.
Characteristics of the fragrance for men
For the half of humanity are also produced perfumes with pheromones. The main component of the fragrance is androstenedione, which is able to attract the attention of a woman to her owner.
What is the impact of perfumes with pheromones for men? In some cases, the woman is not completely aware of the cause of this attraction, although this happens almost 90% of the cases. Pheromones allow you to find a woman who is physiologically will address this man. Thanks to perfume, is a real possibility of finding a soul mate. In fact, once surrounded by a multitude of women, a man can feel relaxed and confident.
What perfumes with pheromones to choose?
As it is now aware of these substances, many fragrances the company began to produce these products. The smells of different perfumes, that is why every individual to choose the scent of your choice. When purchasing spirits, it is necessary to read the composition on the packaging. In perfumes must not be alcohol that destroys the volatile compounds and the pheromone.
What is the composition of the best perfumes with pheromones? It is necessary to choose a composition in which is present the musk. This ingredient is an extract of a loan to the reproduction of the animal and has a powerful effect in attracting the opposite sex.
It is public knowledge that the obtaining and distribution of large quantities of human pheromone is prohibited by law. This can result in man of the mental illness of a sexual nature.

Pheromones or aphrodisiacs of plant origin possess a greater security for the man. These substances add in almost all of the fragrances modern. You must choose a scent, that presents the maximum of the quantity or variety of these components. Pheromones of plant origin are the following:
- musk;
- patchouli;
- ylang-ylang;
- ginger;
- the caraway seeds.
When choosing a perfume, it is necessary to stay on the scent that will appeal the most to the holder of a perfume. In the opposite case, the person may contain in itself, and of its natural pheromones may not stand out.
When choosing a scent is required to obtain advice from the seller on the origin of the components of perfumes and don't buy it, if it is composed of animals of pheromones, which can have a partner on the strongest influence in the form of dependency.
Perfume with pheromones unscented
There are spirits, which totally lacks fragrance. However, the pheromones person feels at the molecular level, and they combine with the nature of the smell of his body. These spirits can be combined with the ordinary of the perfumery products. In this case, the person is going to ooze its unique fragrance.
How to use perfume with pheromones?
The duration of the impact of perfumes short - it is only 6 to 8 hours. According to the comments, the perfume with pheromones, you need to apply:
- The best is to do this in the exposed areas of the skin, with the closest located in the blood vessels. Optimal area of application - the cheekbones, the wrist, the inner surface of the elbow, and lobe of the ear.
- The body must be clean.
- Before the application, no need to use lotions, creams or deodorants.
- When using only two drops of water.
- Apply the perfume with pheromones is necessary in rare cases.
- So as not to hinder the perception of these substances, the best is to wear clothes from natural fabrics, which ignores the natural flavor of the body.
During the implementation of the recommendations of the effectiveness of the perfumes with pheromones to increase, and its possessor would be to publish a unique flavor.
Features of the application of the perfume
When using perfumes with pheromones, according to the comments of the buyers, it is necessary to take into account several points:
- Scent an impact only on the opposite sex, who are close by. In fact, pheromones volatile substance and, therefore, they decay rapidly to the air.
- A person who has received the signal of the convergence, because of modesty or uncertainty, there may be signs of attention.
- The spirits have the ability to attract the opposite sex, but falling in love with the man, it is not under force.
- Similar to a perfume, you will not be able to mindlessly. Sometimes, their use can lead to negative consequences, if it is to be in a state of intoxication, or the failure of the person.
Similar to a perfume, you need to use it properly, taking account of the previous tips.
The perfume with pheromones - myth or reality?

After you have completed with what we call pheromones and their effects on the body, we can make the conclusion that these fragrances, in the pure state does not exist. In fact, the acquisition of these spirits is prohibited by law. You can buy a scent with plants aphrodisiacs and to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Submit to the will of man is impossible. You can use natural means of seduction, as the smile and the sparkle in her eye. Such methods are most effective and the safest of pheromones.