Erogenous Zone is a part of the body of man, the influence that you can get sexy colorful excitement. The ladies have similar erotic points in huge volumes in different places. The fact that men of the most of them have a very superficial representation. It is a great pity, because the present of the sexual act in women, and the ladies ' fate only after the preparation of touch with this "alliance" places.

The touch must be good. The bodies of women are placed in such a way as if to touch him, to harm, these touches are unpleasant. What sacred buttons (erogenous zones) have of the ladies, and that it is necessary to do with them?
How to find the erogenous sacred points of ladies
The male is more easy to find the excitable "buttons" on the body, if the faultless conditions for a complete relaxation of the partner. Only later, the need to begin their research, using a gentle touch and kisses. In principle, identify erogenous settlements – that is the goal for both partners. Men must find and explore more areas of the body of his partner. The lady will give you a clue to a partner a piece of his body has the greatest sensitivity.
Do not stop only on the field, which are erogenous zones and among women and men (of the chest, the neck, the genital region). Find sacred the buttons on the body of the woman can be in almost all places. They start from the tip of the ladies fingers up to the root of the hair. All the points are connected together. During the test of the review the hands or the tongue, depending on the connects to the wires, can be upsetting and even open up new and exciting space. It should be only giving them enough attention. Of course, the woman must give their consent to the acts of men and encourage their. She must allow him to kiss and smooth to where he wants. When on the body of ladies will experience new points of oppression of his mistress, and not at all the fact that respond, the more they will be on your own "discoverer". The main thing to work data from the point of excitation will be only if tender and good appeal to them.
The best known are "the women of the area are: on the lips and the tongue, ear lobes, dimple near the collarbone, in the area of around and around the nipple (the nipple). The vagina and the clitoris, the area of the abdomen around the pubic bone, the navel, the neck, the buttocks, the area under the shoulder blades, the area below the knee and the area size, also the inside of the thighs and the upper part of the third part of the thighs (the outer part) – it is also the erogenous zones.
Primary, secondary catalysts
The touch of the lips. All the erogenous zones of the female body is a sensitive catalysts of the nature of their call primary. Some ladies have such places in the complex, other selectively. With the primary are secondary to the sacred point, that open regularly, in collaboration with the experience. They are often placed in fact in all places and to meet a uniform impact in different ways. Confirmed that all of the erogenous the point of reacting positively to a kiss. Make a note of precisely what touch sponges to different areas of the female body shall determine in particular sensitive to the condition of the space. The erogenous zones can be found on the elbows or even on the heels of the loved one. The efforts in the search of points erogenous need, because their result will be the high-end – unique and memorable sex.