One of the main signs of sexual maturity sexual is feeling sexual desire (libido sexualis). The sensation of the woman gradually develops. In the sexual inclination, it is necessary to distinguish two components: the mutual commitment of the convergence, and the pursuit of sexual relationships. The woman has developed the first of them.
It is characteristic that it can develop completely alone, without going to the other. It is the emotional relationship to the person of the other sex doctor long time determined as "the love above". Thanks to this sense of the person is very near and dear. In front of men is of particular importance desires to have sex, that doctors define as the sensual component of love. This component includes the desire to receive the specific feeling of pleasure, arise in the context of intimacy.
Thus, if the sexual desire of men above all manifests itself in the sensory part, and it is only later (21-25 years old) is combined with the sense of love to be loved, the girls in the presence of the composition to reconcile, of course, not everything has aspirations of sexual intercourse. It is the desire of them appears only after several months of sexual life in marriage, and often only after the first birth.
Thus, in the structure of the sexual desire of the woman is a key actor at all stages of life is the love to be loved. Sensual same component is usually, the young woman for a period of time is not the same after the beginning of sexual life, and only then it develops gradually.
The physiology of the sexual act in women

In order to better understand the mechanism of the sexual act in the body of the woman, we offer you to familiarize yourself with the anatomy of the female genitalia.
Sexual intercourse (coitus) usually occur under the influence of the sexual excitement (voluptas), high paragraph, which is of the orgasm (orgasmus) after the period of reflection (defluvium), which begins after the end of sexual intercourse. The lack of sexual excitement in women is called frigidity. During the sexual act in the man's stiff cock pushing the walls of the vagina and so full of the introduction of the fills his.
Introduction in erection a member is facilitated by the ability of the vagina to significantly stretch. Due to the occurrence of sexual arousal prior to the introduction of a member into the vagina, in men of glands of Cooper is discharged to the outside, gooey secret, which dampens the powerlessness and makes it slippery. The substance generated by special glands, is the head of the fat which facilitates the introduction into the vagina.
In the large and small lips-posed of special tissue, surrounded by connective tissue. During sexual arousal, it fills with blood, the churn ceases, then the flow of sound continues. The result is a swelling of the clitoris, large and small lips, with the formation of the elastic roller. Thanks to these transformations of the access into the vagina becomes free. Simultaneously, women breast, of small vestibular glands, and the cervix of the uterus secrete a luminous and transparent mucus.
When the sexual act is not only not observed any resistance, and, on the contrary, it is much easier, and friction, become pain free.
The woman is also involved in the process: the skin and the mucous membrane of the penis rubs on the transverse fold of the vagina. Simultaneously appear the rhythmic contractions involuntary vaginal wall to the result of the activity of the sphincters. These reductions are particularly noticeable just before the time of the end of the swelling of the genital organs.
How is orgasm in women?
The processes of the two participants in a premonition of intercourse, there is a feeling of pleasure to the result of nervous excitation taurus, located in the head of the penis and the woman in the head of the clitoris, at the entrance of the vagina, vulva and in the vagina. Irritation, which are these nerve endings are transmitted to, and then in the brain. These irritation accumulate and worsen, is not yet achieved such a level of excitement which occurs a series of new reflexes. The last link, the last is to dispose of the semen in men (ejaculation) and the secretions of the glands of the cervix and Bartolini glands in women. The ejaculation is accompanied by a voluptuous sensation of the orgasm. The origin of orgasm finally, we do not know.
In women for the onset of the orgasm need to enough irritation of the erogenous zones, and mentally to erotic desire to sexual intercourse. In contrast to men, to women, to climb the orgasm is much slower, and the damping time is longer. The period of the same "peaks" of orgasm all the same long to them both.
The intensity of the orgasm is very varied and depends on the temperament and the constitution of man. The orgasm may not come as a result of a decrease in the excitability of their respective divisions visual by hamas for the damage of this site, or the influence of the bark of the brain, due to psychogenic factors (indifference, disgust, etc).
It is necessary to mention it again, and so rare and very strong on the sensations of the orgasm as squirt or jet of ink from the orgasm. The idea is that the woman ends up in the liquid: a small fountain clear liquid that came out of the vagina during orgasmic abbreviations. This liquid is formed in the mammary glands, it should not be confused with urine. To reach the fort of the orgasm, the woman may be, if the man will stimulate the anterior wall of the vagina and the point G.
How long does the sex act in women?
The normal duration of the sexual act varies from 2 to 6 minutes. But here, too, a great importance has the nature of man. The duration of the sexual act also affect the intervals between the reporting relationships. Extended content and a strong sexual arousal, will greatly reduce the duration of the sexual act.
Why during intercourse, the woman does not have the excitement?

One of the worst trauma a woman can be frustrating to the person loved. To marry a man who has caused it's bright and lofty sentiments, she discovers unexpectedly cynical, it is the view of his men in the sexual life, in which she plays the role of a simple canons of pleasure.
This is why a great importance has the attitude of men to women during sexual intercourse. The rudeness and the false discovered her husband during the first sexual relationship, create women negative the reflex of the sexual act. And if relations do not make positive changes, this reflex is pathological, to the origin of the result of sexual relations with coldness. The more careful should be the attitude of the young girl who has not had sex yet.
If she is still a virgin, it was the fear before the first reports of the relationship. Therefore, a person must not, either ask the woman to first sexual intercourse certainly at the "first night", and wait a few days, in the processes of life common among the women completely past the fear.
In this respect, with girls who marry, physicians must conduct interviews, to explain to them that the loss of virginity is not a disaster, as it has often some seems. The hymen are only very rarely strong. Basically, it has a hole. If the hymen is such that the sexual intercourse is to violate its integrity, during the first sexual intercourse, it is laborious; it is to note the weakness of the pain. Bleeding that occurs in these cases, is negligible.
An injury to the sex
Complications and injury in the event of unprotected intercourse may be observed in men and in women. Sometimes the women in a premonition of intercourse can be significant damage to the genital tract. Rupture of the hymen depends on the degree of mechanical action. The results of this injury are very various: tears hymen, lacerations, even posting part of the hymen, mainly in the rectum of the division.
These injuries occur as a result of stamping and stretching during the introduction of the head of the penis in the hole of the hymen. The edges of the hymen when you come inside, and because of the distension torn out.
Breaks in unprotected intercourse may occur in different places, but more often, they find themselves on the figure 6 (to denote exactly the cuts accepted conditionally to portray with the dial of a watch) or on the sides. During the rupture of the hymen on the figure 6 the dial of the watch sometimes so rough conducted by the sexual intercourse, the hymen torn the back wall of the vagina, mainly the mucosa. When expressed by the degree of immaturity of the sexuality of such damages may spend a total tear of the perineum and vagina and the arch.
In childhood where the women is a consequence of the education of the genitals, and in the elderly, and the elderly, the result of the atrophy and fragility of the tissues.
We must also mention a complication, such as spasmodic reduction of the vagina in women, which leads to strong trapping of a limb, the anterior part of its, in particular to the head that swells considerably, and a member can not get out of the vagina. In these cases, the woman to exhibit narcosis, or eliminate an interference with the aid of a hot bath.
Sometimes, when the unprotected intercourse difficulties due to the dryness of the vaginal mucosa in cases of violation of the secretion of glands of Cooper or glands. In these cases, dry the lining of the before the sexual act, it is recommended to moisturize the lubrication oil in the emulsion, ointment or saliva.
Rarely, but it happens, a catastrophic complication during sexual intercourse, such as death. The death in connection with the sexual act occurs during or shortly after him more often in men than in women, the elderly, the sick and the multiple sclerosis brain and the coronary arteries, especially when it has been preceded by over-eating or alcohol abuse. Death can be the result of a cerebral vascular accident, myocardial infarction, embolism, paralysis of the heart and of the tuberculosis - a strong pulmonary hemorrhage.

In some cases, gynecologists and forensic doctors face complaints of men, in particular what is happening in the families who advocate islam. After the wedding night accuse their wives of cheating because of the low amount or absence of blood. In their opinion, this fact is evidence of long date of the breach of the hymen. However, the expertise in such cases, almost always shows that men have been misled due to the presence of their wives of these forms of the hymen, which, by their anatomical features allow sex without integrity. If the hymen is very low, the allocation of blood from the surface of the flures happens to be negligible or not at all.
Barriers to sexual relationships among the women are: vaginismus, infantilism of the genitalia, expressed by the atrophic processes in them, the ugliness of internal development or external genitalia (hymen, vagina), inflammatory processes, tumors and others