The men complain that the companion is not the attract in her bed, head hurts, still a few issues occur unexpectedly. What is the reason of this behavior, and why women often refuse the vicinity?

The fact that the contact is not always brings to young girls the fun. In the act appears a pain, an unpleasant sensation. The representative of the fair sex can not be excited, his body simply not ready to have sex. How to remedy the situation, and in this case, help to stimulate the drops?
In which cases to take
Substances for women, the drops are medications that are similar to the action aphrodisiac. Apply, if there are indications, they include:
- a significant decrease in sexual activity, frigidity;
- the absence of orgasm for a long period of time;
- an unpleasant sensation during the sexual contact;
- the reduction of the excitation, the inability to relax.
On the status of women affects a huge amount of factors, it is important to not only his physical and his psychological state. Stress, fatigue, overwork - all of this led to problems in the relationship with your partner.
To remedy the situation and awaken to your passion you have to offer him a small experience of the use of stimulants in the form of drops. It is effective for drugs that act quickly and can not only relax, but also to take pleasure, to remove the accumulated tension.
Buy a possible fall in the pharmacy, there are several variations of the fund. Apply recommended if:

- You are unable to achieve orgasm, even with sufficient excitement.
- Is not excited, despite the different caresses partner.
Highly stimulating fund in the form of drops to help you to solve these problems of the woman. But don't think to take a drug, the girl will make reference to the proximity or initiative. Although some members of the fairer sex drops act this way.
Modern drugs are distinguished by a good tolerance, rarely lead to the development of allergic reactions, but it must not be forgotten that the pathogen is not of vitamins. For this reason, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist before starting the use of the tool.
The principle of action
Voluptuous drops for women exercise on the organization of the following effects:
- improves the blood flow to the pelvic organs;
- impact on the smooth muscle of the vagina;
- contribute to the increase of the quantity produced by the "lubrication";
- enhance the sensations during the time of contact;
- allow to reach the strong orgasm.
The means of the excitatory nature, have built-in impact, they have an impact on the circulation of the blood. In the wake of what the woman experiences sensations:

- Easy "tickles" in the lower abdomen.
- A sensation of heat in the whole body.
- A strong excitation.
Some of the signs of a man can be seen, the other remains hidden from his gaze. But the girl changes after the consumption drops to a certain extent, and it is hard not to notice.
The fact that the components used in the composition of pathogenic agents, provide an effect, they have an impact on the reproductive system. In particular, on the smooth muscles of the vagina. When the muscles contract, starts to develop a natural "fat". It helps reduce the sexual act, increase its duration and to enhance the sensation.
Act drops start at about 10 minutes, the effect persisted for a long period of time. But do not experiment with the dosage, is fraught with certain consequences.
The benefits stimulants drops
The main benefits stimulants in the form of drops:
- act promptly and effectively;
- do not undermine the agency of serious harm;
- may be partners at the same time.
The pathogens can be used over a long period of time, but do not combine drops:
- With antidepressants and neuroleptics.
- With alcoholic drinks.
The action of the drops of evil combined with alcohol and all of these ways. But an absolute contra-indication is the appointment of the tablets that have an impact on the mental state of a woman. And also, do not take two different of the pathogen is heavy of overdose and other adverse consequences.
There are stimulant drops for women of the new generation compatible with alcohol, most often they add in such drinks, such as wine, vermouth, liqueurs.
Description of the unbalance of drops of a new generation:
- without smell;
- without taste;
- transparency of view.
Pathogens add in the drinks, they do spoil their taste. The woman is not able to understand that, if in the drink of these miraculous droplets or not.
Contra-indications and side effects
In health, there are counter-indications:
- A variety of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
- The neurological diseases.
- A variety of mental disorders.
- Diseases of the brain (related to the interruption of the circulation of the blood).
- Gynaecological infection.
- Pregnancy at any stage.
The drops of quick action to stimulate the flow of blood to the organs of the reproductive system, which could cause various complications. In the period of pregnancy, the changes may have an impact on the state of health of the woman and her child, for this reason, the risk is not worth it.
The possible side effects of the use:

- a rush of blood to the tissues of the face, the strong redness of the skin in the cheeks;
- the deterioration of the health;
- headache, dizziness;
- in rare cases of seizures of nausea;
- the increase of the blood pressure of blood.
The new generation tools rarely lead to the development of adverse side effects, but all the same, such problems occur, they may occur if:
- Too with the assay.
- Does not comply with the instructions of the recommendations.
- Combine the drops with a variety of drugs.
The increase of libido in women is a time-consuming process. But in some cases, even the media specialist cannot help resolve the problem. In such a situation, it is necessary to consult a doctor. This will help to change the situation and bring back the passion in a relationship.