Most often, this solution will occupy psychotherapists and psychologists. In fact, the main cause of the sexual dysfunction of girls are considered as psycho-emotional of the offence.
What is women of impotence and its manifestations
Before talking about the main causes of this pathology is worth to discover the manifestations of frigidity. Women of impotence by some professionals interpreted as indifference. It is traced back to the sexual behavior. Thus, the main symptoms are the following events:

- The lack of excitement during the sexual act;
- Decreased libido;
- The absence of pleasure of the sexual act;
- The absence of orgasm;
- The sensation of pain during sexual intercourse;
- The lack of sexual is necessary.
Impotence in women can be attributed to and the rapid onset of orgasm. But, such phenomena occur very rarely. Some women confuse orgasm and impotence. It is totally two different diseases. In the first case, the girl has desire for sexual intimacy, excitement. The sexual act of the girl receives a certain pleasure. But sharp orgasm does not occur. For impotence or frigidity characteristic is the absence of needs in the intimacy, no excitement.
Very the most common symptoms of frigidity are the manifestations of vaginismus. Some professionals are regarded as vaginismus and the women to the powerlessness of synonymous terms. What is vaginismus? Manifests the disease in a convulsive involuntary contraction of the vaginal muscles and pelvic floor. The data of the reduction in women lead to strong pains during sex. Sometimes, the sex in this case, completely impossible. Almost always in vaginismus there is infertility in couples due to heavy cramps.
It is to be noted that when the vaginismus usually, the woman feels sexual desire and the desire. But here's to experience any pleasure is not capable. He hits hard on the self-evaluation not only of women but also men. Start other problems in the relationship. It is therefore very important to the woman not to hide the problem, and to ask the doctor. With painful sensations, you can easily cope with, putting a little bit of effort.
The causes of impotence female
Yet recently, many experts have claimed that the culprit of the frigidity is herself a woman. Unlike the men, the sexuality of young girls can not affect of psychological disorders, foreign trade, judgment, and social status. Indeed, physiologically, the women are always ready for sex. But, this is not the case. Scientists have proven that the more often it is psychological reasons are for this problem in women. Also, not to forget, and on some of the physiological differences that lead to impotence and complete the frigidity of women.
The psychological causes of the
For women, plays a role it is psychological relaxation through sexual contact. Only in this case, the young girl is able to fully test the pleasure of the intimacy, the orgasm. Therefore, a strong influence on the sexual activity have the stress of the day. Noticing the burnout, the woman loses her libido. Also, on the development of impotence is influenced by the following factors:
- The differences in the family;
- Physical and mental fatigue;
- Depression;
- Insomnia;
- Lasting abstinence from sexual intercourse;
- The discomfort of the environment;
- The dissatisfaction of the sexual partner;
- Fears.
In addition, the experts associate the female of the impotence of the education of the girl child. Found that the least educated of the fairer sex is more often complained of sexual disorders, rather than formed. The low level of education results in the loss of the libido, orgasm. Plays a big role, and marital status. The girls are rarely confronted with sexual dysfunction, impotence. The absence of a sexual partner regular can cause a malfunction. This concerns in particular widows and divorced women.

The social status is important for men and for women. His demotion and causes a decrease in sexual activity, impotence female. Also, the specialists proved that the earlier the girl begins her sex life, the more she is subjected to communicable diseases. Perhaps it is not only the voluntary affiliation to the sexual intimacy, but also the violence, the problems in the relationship with your partner.
Physiological reasons
Break the harmony in the sexual life can different diseases and ailments. As among men, the women plays an important role on the state of the cardio-vascular system. Important of communication and infections of the urinary system. Candidiasis, chlamydia, trichomonas, gonorrhea lead to a decrease of the libido, that happen a cause of impotence.
In addition, the physiological reasons of the powerlessness of women is assigned and:
- Diabetes mellitus;
- Frequent headaches;
- The operations in the pelvic area;
- The inflammation of the joints;
- Endometriosis;
- The illness, polycystic ovaries;
- The abnormality of development of the genital organs;
- Disorders of the hand of neurology;
- The dysfunction of the thyroid;
- A failure.
How to treat impotence female?
To begin with, in the treatment of female impotence to change the mode of life. In the first place, this concerns the elimination of all kinds of stress and conflict. Need to establish psycho-emotional background. In the absence of mental stress and exhaustion, the sexual activity of girls is restored independently.
Reduce the sensation of pain during sex, by the improvement of circulation also helps with regular exercise. During this operation of strengthening muscular corset of the whole body. A woman can get from relaxation in the course of intimacy, which will reduce spasm of the muscles of the vagina. If the cause of impotence has become hormonal disorders, a gynecologist or an endocrinologist refers to the hormonal treatment of several drugs. According to the case, the specific disorders of the hormones.
It may be drugs aimed at reducing the levels of testosterone, and the rise in the level of progesterone in a woman's body. For these purposes, the most often applied medication Proginova. It increases the level of female hormones, which leads to an increase of the libido. If the treatment of impotence is very important to visit not only the gynecologist, but sex therapist and psychologist. Only such a complex approach can get rid of the problem for good.
In addition, there are a large number of advice of traditional medicine for the treatment of frigidity in women. They can not only help you, but to eliminate the inflammatory process, restore the functioning of the central nervous system. Thus, it is advisable to prepare a decoction and take it inside of the following grasses:
- Calendula;
- Chamomile;
- The stinging nettle;
- The dogrose;
- The lemongrass;
- The celery;
- The lavender;
- Hawthorn.