Make a stimulating massage for women at home is not an easy task, as it may seem at first sight. Schema of the procedure has its own characteristics. It is important not to err and to deliver the partner's pleasure with the help of a simple, but nice touch.
Just the young girl, who has a partner you decide on the erotic massage in the salon. In effect, this procedure, if it is to spend at home with his family, appears in other colors and requires a different key, which often precede the sex.
Create an intimate atmosphere
To do an erotic massage – he "risk" of not all men. In our country, the family, or a couple of lovers, hugs rarely practiced. And here, in the east and in India, such a manipulation are part of an intimate relationship.
The outfit exciting massage of the body requires a certain preparation, it is necessary to create an appropriate atmosphere, as well as:
• a few days before the scheduled date of the procedure begin to lubricate the hands, cream for the skin has become soft;• the privacy, the intimacy, no one could disrupt it;
• the surface on which will be posed to a woman was strong and smooth;
• take care of all the necessary means were very available;
• of concern is that the room was hot, because the two partners at the time of the massage should be totally or partially naked;
• include music, which is able to complement the décor, light aromatic or candles;
• prepare the partner for a hot bath with essential oils.
The average time that is expected to pass on the conduct of the procedure is 30 to 90 minutes. But if the contact is systematically in sex, you may need more time. It should be taken into account.
Choose the oil
Relax the well-beloved of the house without additional funds will not. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to the selection of the oil or lotion. If a woman does not hide his preferences, he can be an erotic massage with oil or aesthetics, which she uses on a permanent basis, taking care of their body after visiting the swimming pool or the bath.
If favorite lotion, cream, oil, or smell and has not been found, the preference is recommended to use essential oils:
• lavender;• tea tree;
• ylang-ylang;
• jojoba;
• roses or rosemary.
If the partner has a tendency to allergic reactions, preference is given to hypoallergenic means: the orphanage of the cream, vazelinovomu or kamfornomu oil.
The strong emotions called the chocolate, even the scent of the goodies delivers the beautiful sex, and pleasure.
The effect of these procedures will be as above, if in abundant quantity apply the oil or lotion on the body of the beloved and his hands. The engine should be warm, pleasant.
A man's hands can transform erogennyi massage in this sacrament, to do this, it is necessary to act correctly, according to an algorithm of action.

How to make a stimulating massage
Institute of massage for women they do so according to the following algorithm:
1. The flowing movements help you relax and manage stress.2. And here is engage in the worthwhile assets of your fingertips.
How to proceed:
• the woman should lie on the belly;• the back should be smooth;
• the man is at the top or bottom of the table or of the place where the partner;
• the woman is completely relaxed under his head and legs, it is recommended to put the roll, his roll of towels;
• once the hands on the surface of the body is applied to the oil, lotion, or cream.
For the young girl horny massage, is:
1. To do an erotic massage of the chest and abdomen.2. The smooth transition of the perineum and genitals.
The main recommendations
How to make a friend pleasant with the help of a massage:
• it is necessary to begin by the end of the fingers, knead the hands, do not forget to mezhpalcevuyu the membrane of the eardrum;• when the girl lying on the back, little to little fingers go to his ikram, the movement must be fluid, razminayuzhimi and rub at the origin of the cushions fingers, and then the sharp edge of the hand;
• after the calves go on the area of the thighs and buttocks — this area is not as sensitive to the influences of all kinds, for this reason, it can be kneading and tapping;
• the back is constantly in suspense, give more attention, in particular the area between the shoulder blades;
• after you pass the area of the shoulders and the nape of the neck — and-shoulders knead with the hands, but with the neck it should be more careful, it is desirable to avoid a powerful impact, moving the head down, stroking the skin.
The main consider the following areas:
1. The neck.2. The tips of her fingers, as on the hands and the feet.
3. The area size and the interval between the shoulder blades.
4. The buttocks and thighs.
These areas must work in all cases, even if you do not plan the end of your massage intimate intimacy.
The technique of the excitatory massage
For the body of your partner is more susceptible to the touch, it is recommended to do a massage of the chest and abdomen. It is done according to the following scheme:
• the woman lies on the back;• lifts a few feet in the parties;
• on his skin put a cream or oil;
• undertake the conduct of the procedure.
She is wearing the erotic nature of the, because the girl in the period to touch fully exposed, and the massage involves based on the following areas:
1. The neck and the lobe of the ear.2. Of the chest.
3. The belly and the buttocks.
4. Crotch.
5. Internal Face of the thigh.
Themselves touch are stimulating in nature, they are not meant to muscle relaxation and stimulation of certain zones. After which a girl's body begins to tremble from the exposure.
The guy can combine the movements, of the arms, the embrace, the touch of the skin is the favorite of the language. The technique of holding such a procedure, recalls the sexual games, to forget that this is not necessary.
If the spouses were married more than a year and a woman in a long time was cooled down to the usual weasel, this kind of stimulation will help to reawaken in her feelings.

How to excite a girl in a massage
Stimulating nature is not tender, and enables the touch, they stimulate and warm the senses. A home to excite the need according to the following scheme:
• It is recommended to start with the neck, and the lobe of the ear. This area is sensitive to any stimulyacijam, because literally wrapped up by nerve endings and transmitted by the blood and the blood vessels. The lobe of the knead 2 fingers the thumb and index finger. After softly on the neck area and décolleté.• The favorite can kiss passionately a woman in the neck, and then on the lips, stroking the chest area and the fingers touching the glands.
• The girl responds well to the touch, as well as to the chest, and the glands. But to squeeze or compress until it is not worth it. It is best to leave this for later. When they become firm, you can gain access to the belly area.
• Now excite will have harmonious, with circular movements, making them in the clockwise direction. Is not forbidden to kiss a woman in the stomach to touch the area of the cluster on the tongue and lips.
• Then you need to go to the crotch. In this zone, the erogenous zones are extremely sensitive to all touches. You can touch them with your fingers, use a different stimulation.
• The passion to skyrocket if you complete the procedure of the keys to the back of the thigh.
Favorite of the woman or the woman before to similar caresses of a resist not to be able to. But if, making the girl stimulating massage of the body, of effect and has not been followed, it is possible to repeat a gesture, indicating that among the potential partners of preference.
The main rule is not to detach from the body, the contact must be continuous, permanent. To do was in the waiting for a new touch, but this expectation was short-lived. Always interesting to follow the reaction of the girl, not to distract him from his foreign talk and focus entirely on the process.