Have fun in the intimate life are capable of all women. Often, this phenomenon is due to the insufficient production of the secretions of the genital tract, which reduces sexual activity, the desire to make love. To help the experience of orgasm are available by special grease for women, to improve the excitement and the desire to enter in the sexual act.

Causes of low libido
The lack of female interest, the male sex can be caused by certain states of the body, including diseases. Because of this in the intimate life lack of satisfaction, it can even contribute to the development of discomfort, as the vagina remains sec.
The main causes of low female libido are:
- chronic pathology;
- the violation of the substantive hormonal;
- emotional disorders — stress, depression, fear, an emotion;
- the consumption of large quantities of anti-depressants, sedative drugs;
- excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and drug abuse.
Determine the lack of libido of the male part of the population of the woman can you. This is expressed in the refusal to have sex, the absence of a reply. If you are unable to determine the causes of low libido, you can ask a medical specialist. It installs, will appoint the competent authority treatment, thanks to which the woman will return the arousal and desire to have sex.
Often, to identify the factors required to pass a full medical examination and required blood to determine the level of hormones.
Types of lubricants
Now, there are a wide variety of mold release agents that are pathogenic for the women. They differ in the way the application, have different readings, a form of liberation.
Acquire the tools available in any specialized store, pharmaceutical establishment. Thanks to a wide range has the ability to choose the appropriate drug, taking into account your personal preferences, the characteristics of the organism, the method of application.
We distinguish the following forms of pathogens:

- tablets, capsules are characterized by a high prevalence, because they are comfortable. You can always carry and take it quietly if necessary. The therapeutic effect comes in 30 minutes later, takes about 5-6 hours. Data stimulants can be manufactured from synthetic or herbal ingredients;
- powders, solutions, eye drops, acting very effectively, the excitement is already apparent after 10 minutes following the application. These medications contain natural ingredients, therefore have no contraindications. Because of the absence of smell, of taste, of solutions, you can add it to the drink;
- the gels, ointments, sprays are designed for outdoor applications, they are by the aspiration of the plants aphrodisiac. Used prior to intimate contact, the focus on their genitals. The duration of the effect of these stimulants is 1-2 hours;
- chew the form of funds — is characterized by a great popularity among the women. Can have a variety of flavors, scents, are capable of whiten the teeth, freshen the breath. The therapeutic effect comes to the end of 10 minutes.
Choose intimate stimulants will help the physician, taking account of all preferences, individual characteristics of the organism.
To get a mutual pleasure, the pleasure in the process of making love, the partner simultaneously, it is recommended to use stimulating fat for men, especially if there are a few problems with the power.
How to apply correctly
Get pleasure from the sexual act depends on the validity of the use of fat. Please read the instructions carefully. Also need to take into account the contra-indications, pay attention to the duration of intimate arousal.
The tablets and capsules are used as conventional means, their wash water. The ointment is applied on the genital organs of the small layer. The solutions possible to add in different liquids, because they do not spoil the taste and the smell. The spray is used topically as gels. And chewable stimulants may apply to the rumination.
In case of observance of the instructions, you can achieve an orgasm during sex.
Before the application of any means of not to mention the presence of contra-indications. Personal lubricant is prohibited in the following cases:
- the period of pregnancy;
- the presence of mental health disorders, particularly seizures.
- the occurrence of convulsions of the upper and lower limbs;
- high blood pressure;
- the inflammatory processes of genital organs.
The women, who are constantly notice a emotional instability, and it is stress, depression, suffer from anger attacks and are in a state of excitement, also against women of fat.
Stimulants you can't use the young girls, who are not in sexual relations, because in the future, there may be complications. Most often this is determined by the absence of obtaining orgasm during sex.
Review effective ways

On the shelves of shops and pharmacies are presented of the various forms of release, so this will not be difficult to find the right tool. As regards the effectiveness and the duration of more fun, each drug is characterized by its own advantages and disadvantages.
The position of the leader of the space occupied by fat in the form of tablets and capsules, so that their therapeutic action lasts for 5-6 hours. Choosing the right medication will help the doctor.
An interesting solution of the problem is the implementation of the chewing of the stimulant. They are able to rekindle the desire of proximity, help to relax and enjoy sex.
To solve the problem of the intimate nature help to many women lubrication, the main thing — the right to choose the tool, taking into account your personal preferences.