Even the word mucus; sounds like something disgusting. But you can change the word of the humidity. You know, that popular expression: Behold, the woman saw the man, and she immediately became wet between the legs. Yes yes, this is the mucilage is a normal response to the institute of the object in women.;And after all, if these secretions, the sexual act would be like a grate the carrots on a grater.
The lord's virgin, the first time that sex and gender do not be afraid of the mucus secretion in women during the excitement of what it means that she likes you.
A small example of life. A very shy virgin, still in school age, madly fallen in love with a girl from the parallel class. Descended from the spirit, she writes anonymous poems on love, but it is its has not noticed.
He did not know even how to approach it, because did not know the basics, it is necessary to study in a plan. Him, the fool, the literature read, and it is with the books of the great poets gone. The only thing he vaguely heard that there are sexually transmitted diseases, and it is here that the sweat-dripping bodies.
It is found that the object of his desire itself, her seduced. Something like a party school successful. And here they are at home, the parents, the destiny has put them. Kisses, of tenderness, of a trembling of the hands, he touched his lips and then female normal secretion of mucus during arousal. But instantly lia such a fear, a gentle slope, that the girl is infected by the terrible disease, because of the moisture in the panties was oh-oh! The poor guy, he is about half past five; and it is to the shame runs away from his goddess;.
Later, this missed a lover's sad laugh was reminded of this casus, as he lost the first love. Well yes, time heals it all then taught, married, and spawn in its a bunch of children.
How and why occur of selection among the women in the excitement?

Vaginal fluid is a very complex composition, which secrete the sex glands located in the vagina, the uterus and the epithelium of the vagina. Not the trouble of thinking that the mucus is distinguished only for the excitement, in small amounts in the vagina, it is still located.
However, even before the sexual act, and during the awakening body throws the mucus is several times more, than the act of sex was more comfortable, and would not be the dry, experiencing an unpleasant sensation for both partners.
Healthy girls vaginal fluid is slightly thick and transparent mucus, without the consent of the odor and abnormal color. Each woman, the amount of moisture is different, it all depends on the degree of arousal and willingness for sexual intercourse. Experienced partner to always understand how excited his loved one, and will any prelude to sex, so you won't get the dubious pleasure sec.
But abundant selection of fat in women during the excitement sometimes cause problems of psychological nature in both lovers, especially if the couple for the first time or a little time has had a sexual act. A man might be supposed that the lady, as well as a: or dissolute, or health problems in the sexual sphere. The girl may be reluctant to, or give up sex. In his opinion such an abundance of moisture to alienate a partner, and even, ahem, are very unpleasant sounds in the vagina due to this during sexual intercourse similar Well, you understand.
What color are selection of the standard and genuine fears

Thus, the enumeration of colors:
- colourless or slightly whitish cast;
- a rich white with a liquid;
- grey or even greenish;
- In the first case, fear is not worth it. Even white during arousal in women is not a sign of her illness, and it is leucorrhoea. They are observed mainly in young girls, who are in a period of ovulation is a sign of the times of the conception of the child. As well as the white color may be in the lubrication during the excitement, particularly when the repetition of the sexual act or after sex with a condom.
- In the second case, if the panties of white girls cheese selection, as well as of her vagina, and sex organs have the air painful, more than likely, she the lily of the valley. This does not mean that she had a venereal disease, and does not mean that it scruffy may be a reaction to the antibiotics, or personal hygiene products. But the sex is desirable in a condom.
- The selection of a liquid during arousal in women in levels of gray with a green tint can be dangerous for the partner. Not only the color speaks of danger, but the presence of a strong smell, sorry, rotten fish, will give to know the girl something someone picked up;. Even if the girl of this clean and neat. With such a lady treat; necessarily have a positive impact on health.
Myths the lovers of adult movies on the secretions
Initially, I want to dispel the myth for fans of adult movies, just porn. Sometimes, in the movies there are such episodes: here are engaged in the couple, and not a wild sex, and here is one of women begin a selection plentiful during the awakening, yes, such as flooding the soil beds, and then, at the moment of orgasm, she like a whale launches a powerful jet of liquid to the top.
After viewing this film online in the course of fierce debate: is it or not. Someone even the blows of a heel in the chest, and personally seen it, when slept with a partner. Shameless hogwash and stupid bravado.
Slightly wetting the bed under the buttocks of anywhere wasn't going to, but pouring gallons, from the ankle up to the ears, yes, there are fountains - this does not happen.
The commission, therefore, girls, do not hesitate, that something is there below you, forming a small puddle: this is normal, as the body reacted to the excitement, and the fat have a lot more. The men in the council not to be afraid and not to make shame the girl: you'll look stupid.
But in the case of some lube, or lack thereof, have pity on yourself all the two, well, it happens especially among mature couples, when the woman reaches the menopause, but it is still oh as much as I want! Well, there are, in fact, in the intimacy of special stores, gels and lubricants, then go for it, and good sex!