Any man is always interesting to know how excite favorite quickly in the bed. In principle, it does not need to have certain skills and qualities. It will be good enough words, the lungs keys, and the concerns of the movements of the hand.

What are the caresses of love to the women
Diversify your intimate life and get indescribable happiness will help all kinds of application of various methods of stroking and elements of comfort, of love. There are a wide variety of receptions and means, as a prelude to the intimate pleasure.
The most simple are:
- Gentle and affectionate touch of lips,
- Cautious caresses with the hands,
- Cute words to the ear.
How exciting favorite quickly in the bed with the hands
Whether all the zones that excite and relaxation, and at the right time, conducted by him, tender and sensual movements, you can quickly make a favorite. The time to the nearest only to enhance the effect achieved.
Why do not recommend the alcohol
Stop and think before deciding to diversify sex with the help of alcohol. Alcohol inhibits transmitted to the nerve terminal impulses and there is no way that ignites in advance of your pleasure. This is why, in a romantic evening would be more appropriate to have a glass of wine and nothing else.
The technique of the kiss and tricks to excite
For that the young girl appreciated all of your efforts, you must understand the tricks to sexual contact of the lips. Usually it is:
- The softness of his lips on each other,
- Roast of penetration into the cavity of the mouth, the partners of the tongue of man,
- The alternation of the previous receptions of tender lovers and vice-versa.
Your lady will be a real pleasure in bed, if you follow the necessary receptions.
The method | The application technique |
Fuck | The simple contact of his lips parts of the body can deliver to the bliss of the supernatural.
It may be a sponge-and-neck, back, and collarbone, cheeks and cheekbones, the chest and the belly. Don't forget to keep the control, how does your beloved. Celebrate the space, which lead into the excitement in a great extent. Touch produce as the lips and tongue. |
Words of love | We love our beautiful ladies? Properly, the ears. Remember all the sweet words that you know. But this should not be of the space, and the speeches interminable.
Just make a few compliments about her looks, to say in the ear of the recognition and love, and remind you of pleasant points in common. It is to enjoy it and moved favorite, will relax and excite her state. |
Gestures and other movements |

That strongly excites the woman
Look at how excite favorite quickly in the bed, do not forget about the erogenous zones. In this case, each are unique.
The basic rules:
- Some like the caresses of the skin of the head, the other – back or the belly, and the third in the neck or chest.
- Pay attention to the reaction. It will allow you to understand what areas are the most desirable.
- In moments of pleasure the girl can close her eyes, guiding the hand of the partner on the box or itself involuntarily to his touch.
- There are sites that are stroking, you can get the reminder of the result, caused by unpleasant sensations.
Most often it is the kiss becomes more gives the necessary impetus, after which the highly anticipated the intimacy of two people who love each other. Without too insistent inclinations may be rejected. It is a romantic moment, discontinue who no longer wants to.
How to excite a woman
First, the most often used are the lungs of contact of the lips the lips, but they are too fragile and can't give the development of the action. Therefore, when the partner is already quite "ripe" there is a reason to move on to more passionate movements, which is the penetration of the tongue in the mouth, and the contact of their of the sky and inside the cavity. But sometimes, your boyfriend may refuse the caresses of the same way.
There are reasons:
- A negative attitude to these manifestations of feelings,
- The violation of personal hygiene,
- Bad breath.
The female body is designed in such a way that it can be ambiguous to react different twist. They evaluate constantly partner.
And even in moments of intimacy, your lady will analysis from the point of view of the attraction. If she refuses to passionate kisses, which means that you do not come to him on some indicators, it did not want to continue the relationship with you and have children.
To such conclusion came the scientists, but to take it in the literal sense is not worth it. Perhaps, the problem is easier in the young girl has not developed sensitivity to this type of condition. Now, it is small – to help achieve them.
How to excite a woman alone
To organise the games of love it is necessary to choose a comfortable place. Better, if it is a bed or a sofa, on which you feel comfortable and relaxed. Gently and slowly, place the object of his desires in bed. Your tender shares, will certainly be appreciated. Now begin to awaken the desire, according to certain rules and advice.
The excitation of the keys
What should you do to provide pleasure favorite:
- Gently touch it with the fingers or the language of the skin,
- Not shy in the realization of experiments in the search of the erogenous zones
- Bravely perform actions with the hands, but try not to deliver this painful feeling,
- Gradually begin the love games.
As you can see, everything is very simple and available. The dream, "working" with the fingers of his hands, or tongue, discover the camping areas of the body, stimulate the area's highest satisfaction.
The bulk of your shares, you is not delivered to the pain. In this case, you will have to start all over again. And not the fact that the next time the young girl with the same joy you will submit to search of her perfect body. Break resulting from the psychological barrier will not be too difficult.
Fan desires with the help of caressing movements
It is in vain many of them do give sweet words of the value. They can strengthen the showing of sensations indescribable, and rekindle the desire.
The nerves present in our brain, originally react to different vibrations, and the voice also. You ask yourself how to excite a favorite quickly in his bed, think of all the amazing things and unusual of the sentence. With their help, you "blandientur" the rumor of the woman, inducing languor and passion.
What are the measures to take is not recommended:
If the girl is asleep, tired, sick, or simply not in the spirit, do not make attempts to convince her sex. You can gently stroking the hair or back, but if your actions will be viewed negatively, should not continue.
Your lady of the heart can give the impression that he is not ready for the night of love. In this case, leave her alone. Perhaps, it spend, monthly, or it has not taken a shower, so the real reason for simply not hear.
A partner or the woman does not need to be treated as if they must have sex on demand. Don't get me wrong about the reluctance to sex, and don't blame the sound.
Your flow verbal must be supported by actions and gestures. But do not rush, take the prelude enough attention. If a girl has not reached the requirement of the excitement, the enjoyment of such an act of love will not bring, neither it, nor for you.
In the most mysterious time that she is stronger than quite opposite to the feeling of:
- The disadvantage,
- The negative feelings,
- The sensation of pain.
What is the orgasm here you can really talk to. That would be a man made does not work. Therefore, whatever prior to the beginning of your games, be careful and patient, gradually passing all of the preliminary steps. If your sweet whispers in the ear does not give the desired effect, save his shots, which are shy and sweet. Slowly, but surely the drive of the fingertips on the body, find all the secret places, in which your fantasy is increasingly excited, gradually relaxes and is ready to be more active movements.
If these "tips" will be your companions in the process of seduction, with the time, the lady of the heart will respond the same to touch. In the expectation of a sexual act, his body will burn of desire.
How to excite a girlfriend imperceptibly
There are some erogenous zones, increase the excitability.
Each jumper is made to understand what actions give the woman an unforgettable pleasure. How exciting favorite quickly in his bed, just keep track of her reaction to your contact. Try to find and choose the erogenous zones, which give a special kind of sensuality, learn step-by-step, the body of your princess.
The hands – your assistant principal of the study the more excitable websites. Don't forget that in the process, you have to produce the contact of his lips and tongue. The movement should alternate: slow — quick, from one region to the other.
The erogenous zones of his level of sensual characteristics are of three types:
- Low
- Medium-sized
- The more strong.

Initially, your attention must be focused on the area of the low sensitivity to the touch, and then, by accelerating the pace of lego, one of the more exciting sites. Your favorite will be moaning with happiness.
The table shows the most common erogenous area and their classification according to the principles of the sensitivity.
The sensitivity of the female body
The area of the body | Action for the manifestation of desires |
The lack of sensitivity | |
The scalp | Procedure:
A distinctive reaction to the kisses of the fingertips. Perhaps, this is why, in the NINETEENTH century, the knights constantly were kissing their ladies.
Neck | |
Hands | |
Eyelets | |
The eyes | |
The average sensitivity | |
The chest | How to caress the chest
The breasts of women generates mixed reactions to the touch, representatives of the male sex. The excitement intensifies in the following cases:
On the areola of the nipple and breast, you can wear it preferred to orgasm. In particular, if the excitability is promoted.
One of the places the hugs do not stop for a single moment, are the lips. Familiarize yourself with the methods and techniques of acupressure. They are very simple.
Sometimes, the women at the time of the receipt of the enjoyment slightly morsu his lips. It is quite normal and does not cause pain or discomfort. Spots of massage and parallel to the caress the breast assume that you have already prepared enough for the final phase of the game of love. |
The lips | |
Back | |
The buttocks | |
A high sensitivity | |
The thighs with their interior |
Itself the perineum is composed of a multitude of nerve endings and is divided into several parts. If you are about how to excite favorite quickly in the bed, pay him the greatest attention.
On the eve of the main pathogen in women hypersensitivity. What can we say about the vagina, which does not have a large number of nerve endings. Therefore, this space should be the most "cherished". Massage up to the moment of sexual intimacy, during and even after. If you allow a woman to feel quick desire and prolong the pleasure of orgasm. |
Crotch | |
The clitoris | |
Lips | |
The space of the lower part of the vagina to the anus | |
The vagina |