Because ladies have a tendency to jump ahead, let's see first the characteristics of the pain in women during the excitement. Need to mention that it is not only excitement during sex – the pain can occur during masturbation, and just during the sexual excitement. Thus, several diseases, in which the woman suffers from pains as soon as excited.
Ovarian cyst
Cysts on the ovaries is education, all of which occur in the form of sachets filled with liquid, and can burst. The bear to tumors. The ovarian cyst may resorb in a manner in itself for 2-3 months, and may require operational or medical intervention.
The nature of the pain
When the password to the sexual act, the woman may feel a sharp pain in the pelvis to the left or to the right. The same pain, the woman may feel during menstruation, which, as we know, jacket woman hyperexcitability.
What to do?
Make sure you have an ULTRASOUND of the genital organs, particular attention has attracted on the ovaries. In order to ensure the truth if you have ovarian cysts, you should consult a gynecologist and take treatment.
Lily of the valley, it candidiasis
This disease at least once, but has suffered almost every first wife. That is all women at least once past these the flour: pain in the vagina, white rash on the walls, and itching bugs, at least cree. This fungal disease, which is not necessarily sexually transmitted, its causes may be different. When a yeast infection in the vagina and on its walls multiply the Candida fungi, consequently, the disease is also called candida.
The candidiasis of pain during sex gets stronger each fourth woman.
The nature of the pain
When the excitement during intercourse, pain in the vagina may increase, and the itching, also, also. Each contact of the vaginal wall causes severe pain, discomfort, irritability. If the wife is still resistant to the act of sex, her vagina is inflamed, even more, the pain in the vagina can become simply intolerable, and to give the area of the ovary is then a tummy ache. Generally, the pain of the burn.
What to do?
Visit a gynecologist and go through the therapy against the thrush. It must necessarily give up the joints with strong odors (scented), a close linen, synthetic, panties, uncontrolled of medicines, all of these tools can cause thrush in addition to infection during sexual intercourse. Before or after sex, you can use the ointment with the hormone cortisol in the – it will reduce the inflammation of the vaginal walls and will make the pain more gently.
Fibroid or uterine fibroids
This training is in the womb in the form of tumors that doctors consider mild. In this training participate in fibroids of the uterus and its fibroids – this is the muscle and the connective tissue. This disease takes in his legs, more than a third of women after 35 years. Fibroids can be the size of peas (small) before the fetus like an orange.
The nature of the pain
When the myoma or fibromyome of the uterus sore pussy in his entrance, as the only partner to touch him. It can be felt fairly dense sites in the form of bumps under the skin. The pain can also occur in the vagina in the genital organs. During sex, the pain can acquire a very strong character.
They pulses of long duration, can not pass after intercourse for several hours. A woman survives because of these pains, especially if the problem is not thinning! It can even fall into depression, if the weather does not will address to the doctor for a diagnosis.
What to do?
Consult your gynecologist to refine the diagnosis as well as treatment. For a more accurate picture of the disease will need an ULTRASOUND. Generally, the diagnosis of this disease identifies differences in the times. As a treat thrapeutique, it is possible to the operation.
It is an inflammation of the nerves, their roots, which are in the region of the vulva. Causes – infections affecting the mucous membranes of the vagina, as well as the diseases of the female genital organs. In particular, fungal, e.g., candida.
The nature of the pain
When the vulvodynia women may experience pain in the lower abdomen during intercourse or excitement. The pain increases, even if the woman, just the time is in a position or even sitting on a hard surface. The pains appear during the introduction of the penis into the vagina.
These symptoms can also accompany a frequent need to urinate, pain can give in the lower back, and during menstruation, women may be the selection most abundant than before.
What to do?
Visit a gynecologist and go through a diagnosis. Characteristic of vulvodynia, is that it is very difficult to distinguish from other diseases. For example, fungal, or sexually transmitted. And so the process vulvodinamiyu is much more difficult than other diseases of the female genital organs which are easily diagnosed.
Bartholinitis is an inflammation of the Bartholin's glands – bodies, which resemble small peas in size and shape. They are on the lips of the vagina of a small pea on each of the sexual sponge. The cause of the disease – with the exception of the inflammation of the glands, and blockage in the result of the overload of toxins and to poor blood circulation. It is hypothtique the reason, because the true causes of bartholinitis until scientists, doctors are not clarified. It may be, their assumptions, pathogens, infection type staphylococci, streptococci and other nasty microbes.
The nature of the pain
When the bartholinitis lips of the woman increases, the swell, are inflamed and, of course, the woman experiences pain during intercourse, and up to 5-6 hours after. It is difficult to resist, this is why women use pain medications or cause an ambulance. The pain sporadically. In addition, when the vaginal cavity touching the partner or the woman herself, they may feel under the fingers the dense areas of the body.
What to do?
Consult your gynecologist for an examination and treatment. If the stage of the disease is already started, probably, the patient offers the operation, you will need to remove one of the glands – the culprit of the pain. Either of the two.
It is the germination of the tissue of the uterus (endometrium) in the areas of the body where it should not be. The proliferation of the endometrium can suffer from the bladder, the fallopian tubes, the ovaries, the lining of the uterus, the rectum. Yes to little bodies can germinate the endometrium!
The result is the same – the pain during the excitement, the bad sexual life of the woman. A menstrual period can come and go as they please, with any frequency. It is this disease can be exacerbated by bleeding of the uterus. Just think – endometriosis-diagnosed, over a third of women in the world! This disease is one of the main causes of infertility.
The nature of the pain
The pain during the excitation can disturb any woman, if she has endometriosis. Pain acute, sharp, strong of a character such that it is fair to call an ambulance. Of course, this does not give the opportunity to the woman to get a full orgasm, it suffers from the inability to perform sex.
What to do?
Consult your gynecologist for an examination and, if necessary, it is normal for a comprehensive therapy does not allow, to prepare for the operation.
The urinary tract infection

A urinary tract infection often strike women, because the urethra and the vagina in them anatomically are located very near each other, that is why the infection is the path of the vagina, up the urethra and into the bladder. Of this the genital organs of the woman can become inflamed, and as a consequence of the pain during arousal or sexual intercourse.
The nature of the pain
The woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, but we can't determine. Where exactly. The pain during infection can be wandering, an obscure, indefinite. During intercourse this pain may intensify, become viscous, sluggish. This woman can always produce the desire to visit the toilet.
What to do?
Not to be confused infection of the genito-urinary tract with colds and inflammation and not to self-give medications. If you experience pain in the lower abdomen sex, you should definitely consult a doctor and go through a diagnosis. In the telltale features are the urine tests, it is easy to calculate that the woman has visited pathogens, viruses and bacteria.
Heal it must not. When this form of the disease it is necessary to pass a course of a sexual partner, the husband.
Vaginal dryness
This is a disease where in the vagina too little lubricant. It remains dry, that is why during sexual intercourse male member annoying. The pain during intercourse.
In case of vaginal dryness in any period of life can suffer from every woman. This symptom has affected more than a quarter of women in the world. The reason may be excessive oocytes, including contraception. Among the causes of vaginal dryness, and pain during the excitement may be the period of pregnancy, lactation, the menopausal period.
The nature of the pain
The bad, strong, irritating. When, in the course of a sexual act to a member of a partner or his fingers to penetrate the vagina, it can react a sharp pain. After that the sexual act took place, this pain can not let a woman even 2-3 hours. Of course, vaginal dryness makes intercourse painful, therefore, it cannot be patiently and in silence to endure this problem.
What to do?
Consult your gynecologist for that he prescribed you an optimal treatment. If the vaginal dryness is caused by hormonal problems, it will be necessary, first of all, establish hormones. If the fault – to take oral contraceptives, you should re-evaluate their dosage and the destination. If the woman herself is not quickly excited during sex, you need to use lubricants – special grease for the sexual intercourse.
The pain during sexual arousal in men
The men have their own features of the pain during the sexual arousal. And they are dictated by the peculiarities of the male anatomy. When a man is excited, 20-40 seconds blood actively comes to the pelvic organs, vienna shrink, and the reverse of the flow of blood happens. Of the penis begins to expand, to grow, increase the length and the width.
Characteristics of erection in men is the phallus in them has increased three times. It also becomes more long by 8 cm in a state of calm. Latin for "the erection" means "sunrise". In this state fascinum need of a landfill, long time in this position, he can't stay. When the phallus rubs on the vaginal wall, the excitement increases, the authorities strengthened their work. If at the time of sexual arousal in men, something is not right with the genitals, he may feel pain over-voltage.
What diseases can cause of pain in men during the excitement?
First of all, it is the viral disease of nature. Viruses and bacteria may cause inflammation of the genitals, they become more powerless, vulnerable, tissue, overtraining and wrong.
It is an inflammatory process in the testes of men. It may occur after the man has undergone a parotitis, in shared – mumps. The characteristic symptoms of this disease are fever, the egg is swollen, painful.
The nature of the pain
The pain in the testicle can be sharp and brief or pulling, dull, which does not pass away for several hours and even days – the pain can remain for up to a week. During sex, the pain may not give rise, because the pain can become unbearable.
After a week of suffering the pain can be remove, but then come back. The egg is in this time is greatly reduced in size, in this state, it remains, perhaps even to atrophy over time. Up to two months after the disease passes, the pain may come back and not to give a man to live a normal sexual life. The sperm is greatly reduced in quantity, perhaps, the one that produces the evil of the egg.
What to do?
First of all, a screening at the doctor urologist. He will prescribe you a treatment, and the man must remain under medical supervision for at least two months after the pain in the excitement and the sexual act, cease to disturb her.
It is painful disease, which are inflamed epididymis men in the testicles. Scrotum increases in size, in men, fever up to 38 degrees, as well as frequent urination the Cause of the condition is usually a viral infection or a fungal disease. The cause of such a state can be a fungal disease or a cold, the viral nature.
The nature of the pain
When the excitement of the pain in the testicles and the scrotum is particularly strong. The scrotum is much more, of the testicles is also rising, and the blood that in excess comes to the sexual organs during arousal, makes the sexual act simply unbearable. The nature of the pain is strong and pungent.
What to do?
It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor urologist and follow the course of treatment anti-fungal, antiviral. A comprehensive therapy and can also include anti-inflammatory. If not pull themselves together in time and not treating the disease in its initial phase, it can lead to infertility and lack of sex life in general.