The ordinary people without a hitch to include two types of female orgasm – clitoral and vaginal, sexy-savvy person will remember something about squirting. There is, however, a more detailed classification of large and small Oa
The scientists conducted a series of experiments in which it was found that the beautiful ladies of the experience of a variety of the intensity of the sensation as a function of the stimulation method. Naturally, lovers of the world negatively perceived the data of the declaration. Now, they need more work on the satisfaction of the partners.
If you want to know what are orgasms and to master the means of achieving them, so read carefully the continuation of the text of the article. But attention to certain facts that may shock you.
1. Vaginal
Description. The best known is the type of orgasm for girls. It occurs by the penetration of the penis (or sex toy) into the vagina. Despite the prevalence of the notion, only 25% of women are capable of the test. Why so few? The answer lies in the anatomy of happy owners.
Only a quarter of the young ladies was short (the distance between the clitoris and vaginal hole. When introducing a member of the soft tissues packed and affect magic peas. Unfortunately, for the other 75% tov sex this kind of enjoyment is not available.
How to reach it? The sensitivity of the vagina varies with age. Some women tip of the indicator to the period after childbirth. If you do not want to wind your child, you will need to use the causing means, for example, intimate oils, or grease.
2. Clitoral
Description. The most accessible, and, therefore, the most common of the female orgasm. In a small point of the upper lip worn all the pleasure in the world. Imagine - 8 000 nerve fibers of the clitoris interact with 15000-sensitive endings melt of the basin, which causes a powerful blast wave of pleasure.
How to reach it? We detail painted the tips of the stimulation of the clitoris in an article on cunnilingus.
Still a win – win situation - stretch this area of sex toys. In the course of sexual intercourse don't forget to draw in the hands and massage gently the fingers balaclava.
Still a win – win situation - stretch this area of sex toys. Stimulators clitoris became classics in the games intimate. With their help, the partner is guaranteed to reach a peak in the shortest time possible. In all the sex-shop you will find a model to your liking – vibrators with the mustache and the remote management and fixed switches, and even subtle tabs that are placed in the panties.
3. G-spot orgasm
Description. In the 50s of the last century, the medical community has shaken abracadabrant new. For women has been discovered an analogue of the prostate. The doctor Ernest Grafenberg introduced the fingers about 3 to 5 cm from the entrance of the vagina, and sought there the foam of the tuber. He was quickly given the mystique of the area of your family name, perpetuated in the centuries.
Orgasm in the woman, got to G-spot stimulation, much more intense and deeper normal discharge.
How to reach it? The means of the study internal trigger is described in a separate article. You have the right to use the hands or choose a posture in particular, maintaining a pressure on the wall.
Good performance devices in the shape of a kidney (in common – stimulators, G-spot). Thanks to the construction of the device, effectively mulling over this erogenous zone. The principle of operation and technical characteristics vary depending on the model. Particularly good vibrators-pulsators with a continuous adjustment of the intensity of the impact.
4. The orgasm point
Description. It turns out, the G-spot is not far from the face of pleasure. As it turned out, there is another magic of the area. It is located at a distance of 7 to 10 cm from the entrance of the vagina, and came in contact with the high arch of the neck of the uterus. Sensitive place called the point A.
I hasten to reply to your question, what is an orgasm during the stimulation. In the first time - pulling and a little painful. After the cessation of the muscle contraction remains sore to the sensation. But the intensity and the duration of crises is significantly higher than in the previous species climax.
How to reach it? In theory, you can find the area And member. But usually, the partner is distracted and begins to mindlessly wielding the penis, forgetting the cloud of points of the design. If your partner doesn't have long fingers, then you will need an inventory.
It is desirable to operate slim G-massager. Place the vibrator on almost the entire length of the device to coat a lubricant. Drive along the front wall, up to find hypersensitivity in the area. Then, you can focus on it.
5. Deep
Description. Gave a relaxing effect. Achieved by the stimulation of the zone, opposite to the point A. it is likely that multiple orgasms in women of middle age, and from 30 to 40 years represent the peak of the sexuality. The main feature of the cramps by gradually increasing the force.
How to reach it? You need to assign the bottom of the arch of the neck of the uterus. To draw in the more remote parts of the vagina, you can use toys of large size. A little easy to fall in love with a male of the dignity (of 20 cm and more). When enhanced friction "before the foundation of the" depth of the zone is stimulated automatically.
In young girls, actively trainees the pelvic muscles are Kegel exercises, the chance to feel a discharge to be much higher. As a "sport" the gynecologists recommend the use of vaginal balls. That the worst of the state of the vagina, the lower the starting weight. It is best to choose a model with a shifted the center of gravity, covered shell that is hypoallergenic.
6. Orgasm point U
Description. Reading about this, the orgasms are women, sometimes we are surprised! Some women get pleasure, thanks to a massage of the urethra. The irritation of the exit of the urethra regularly leads to squirt. In this case, it is important not to confuse the spike to the banality of incontinence.
How to reach it? To help you, will come to a litre of grease or oil massage and strong hands. Forget the greed – funds must be a lot. Generously pour it directly on the urethra, gently push the tip of the finger. Make a circular motion, adding if necessary a lubricant and increasing the pressure.
Some recommend to use the language. I am against this kind of castling. The time on a simulation of out give my god, you want tires that are a vital organ, rather than to bring the lady to ecstasy.
7. Orgasm by stimulation of the chest
Description. Here, everything is very selective. Meet the girls come to the delight of the stimulation of the chest. However, there are women whose wool is produced at the only evocation of pressure to the nipple. Dear men, before that experiment is absolutely necessary to speak with a partner.
How to reach it? The level of sensitivity varies as a function of the phase of the cycle. The chest before the month in which the most receptive to the erotic massage. Start with light kisses over all the surface features and friction without pressure. Next, focus on the nipples. To tickle their language, and without the effort to draw in the mouth. When the partner is accustomed, to act in a more decisive manner – "roll" the nipple between her lips. Bite, you can only with permission!
The progress is not in place, has long been invented and evolve sex toy for stimulation of the chest. The particular vacuum pump, clamps, shocks, vibrators for nipples – only a small list of suggestions for the lovers.
8. Oral
Description. The scientists say – a sensitive woman in the oral cavity are capable of flying up to the sky when performing fellatio. What is the orgasm of this type, personally, I don't know, so I will describe the impressions of the other ladies. According to the rumor, if the technique of deep throat by reducing the overlap of the breathing causes a rush of adrenaline. The hormone, inflames the blood, and increases the excitation until the peak of the phase.
How to reach it? Attention – methodology of the extreme, and it is advisable to proceed with caution. Take pleasure in your partner to the nape of the neck and enter the penis more deeply. Hold it up to the first attempts of reflex to breathe. Give the girl a small reprieve, necessary for the replenishment of oxygen. Repeat the technique first of all.
To simulate sex in a group, you can use dildos. Believe me, hard sexual intercourse with a man, and a pair of toys in different holes trigger a storm of positive emotions.
9. Touch
Description. What is touch orgasm interesting shown in the comedy "the Marriage of asphyxia". There hawaiian massage therapist has brought the client to the blessed state among the shots. Of course, the film is a bit of a stretch, but the writers have caught the essence of 100%.
How to reach it? You can try after a long period of abstinence or in the early stages of a relationship. It is important, for the feeling has been preheated to a cocktail of love. The sensual massage with a study of all the muscles, alternation of hot wax and ice cubes tickles the body of the brush. All the techniques of the lung petting is acceptable for the touch of the orgasm. Well enough work sets of game with elements of BDSM.
10. Mental
Description. Pro physical of the female orgasm written multi-processed. In almost every country, a specific provision of the office, take care of problems of the private life of citizens. But why is it glorified by the scientific study exclusively carnal side of the issue, and the emotional component is often relieve accounts.
And indeed, impressionable person who is capable of getting satisfaction without touching your erogenous zone, it. And it is true. Many girls small feet for a vote very expensive.
How to reach it? Be enamored by the ears.
I hope that you have learned all you want about the female orgasm, or, at least, to a large extent, satisfied his curiosity.