The world does not know who owns the wise say: "the Woman must love, and do not understand". These are the words of Bhagavan Sri Rajneesh, better known under the name of Osho.
The book "On women. Contact with women of a spiritual force" is not the result of a literary talent Osho, it is a summary, recordings of conversations wise with the students. By the way, all the books of Osho have a similar structure: question-answer.
The book, as the source of the mutual understanding between men and women

By focusing on women, the philosopher abstract, is called "neither a man, nor a woman, and awareness". He said, with a love and admiration. Osho tells us to contemplate and admire. After reading the book of Osho, perhaps, many of us will be able to review their attitude towards women, the relationship between man and woman, sexuality, feelings, consciousness.
Singing and the love of woman, Osho emphasizes the need for men. Calling for harmony in relationships, writes the feminist movement is not the liberation and slavery. Wise man asks the woman to use her true feminine qualities (refer to the spiritual force), such as the wisdom, of tenderness, of sexuality. In addition, in this book Osho gives sexuality a particular role, pays attention to the sexual side of life, treating it as something fundamental between the sexes. The woman is the primordial source, the beginning, love.
The book of Osho "On women. Contact with women of spiritual strength" is recommended for men and women wishing and understanding, and seek to understand.