Few women know what can and should be normal vaginal discharge, and when the vaginal speak of the disease.

Vaginal discharge can be very diverse, depending on the color (red and bloody, brown, gray, black, whitish, greenish, yellowish, pink), the texture (gelatinous, cheese, foamy) with smell and without smell. Vaginal discharge can be accompanied by other symptoms (itching, irritation, pain) or may be the only symptom of the disease. In this article, we describe the most common types of vaginal discharge, and describe the methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases, which are accompanied by secretions. Also, in this article, we describe the problem of vaginal discharge in pregnant women.
In healthy women the vaginal are composed of mucus, which is produced by the glands of the cervix. The small, but the vaginal discharge of a pussy to contribute to the cleaning of the female genitalia and prevent the onset of infection.
In the rate of vaginal discharge little, the mucous membranes, may be a little muddy due to impurities of the cells of the vaginal epithelium, if in the course of the day using the same daily joint — selection of it can be slightly yellowish. The nature and quantity of vaginal discharge depends on the day of the menstrual cycle: in the middle of a cycle as you approach ovulation vaginal discharge can become like the consistency of egg protein, secretions more abundant than usual, more alkaline. Increases the number of vaginal discharge during sexual arousal, particularly during sexual intercourse. Normal secretion does not cause discomfort, not to cause discomfort, itching, burning, and irritation of the genital organs. If smear normal secretions, it will not increase the number of white blood cells, and the flora will be entitled to claim the wand.
The smell of the fresh products and vaginal discharge is virtually absent, the smell of secretions occurs during the reproduction of them bacteria.
- Transparent extending, the nasal mucus, similar to the egg white, most abundant in the middle of a cycle period before ovulation, the norm.
- Creamy lean to the second half-cycle of the standard.
- Creamy selection, the last days of the cycle of the standard.
- A clear, white or slightly yellowish clots in the first hours after unprotected intercourse, when the semen enters the vagina, are the norm.
- Abundant drainage of fluid color white the next morning, after a sexual relation not protected — standard.
- Creamy white skinny selection of sexual intercourse with a condom or without ejaculation in the vagina vaginal fat — standard.
- Scarlet red spotting, fortification — the beginning of menstruation, the first day of the standard.
- The selection with the blood — scarlet to identify ribs in the middle of the cycle (between monthly) — it happens shortly after ovulation in the middle of a cycle — based version of the standard.
- Liquid whitish light of selection similar to milk, in the course of the pregnancy, usually worse with the increase of the duration of the standard, if not to irritate the external genitalia and have no smell.
The selection before the month of
The state of the flora and vaginal secretions depends on the hormonal changes during the different phases of the cycle, so the colour and consistency of secretions can change before one month of the award may become increasingly blurred, yellowish or white, and more abundant (sensation permanent humidity), the more viscous. But during the recording of these secretions and after your period, especially if these symptoms be joined to vaginal itching or abdominal pain, should consult a doctor gynecologist.
Brown selection before the month's selection with blood. Spotting in the standard may appear in a day or two before the onset of the heavy menstrual bleeding. If burrs selection is preceded by months for more than 2 days, either brown, pink, red-brown selection appear in the middle of the menstrual cycle is probably due to the disease.
Brown of the selection before the month of may report: hormonal disorders, there are infections (in particular when the endometritis inflammation of the endometrium), diseases of the hematological nature. Very often, these phenomena accompany endometrial hyperplasia, polyps of the endometrium. In particular, the brown of the selection before the month together, with other symptoms (pain during menstruation long, 7 days or more abundant spotting with clots of blood) are signs of endometriosis.
Brown of the selection in the middle of the cycle may be a symptom of progesterone insufficiency or polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition causing the infertility and require treatment. Too strong bleeding during menstruation — Need an ULTRASOUND to evaluate the state of the internal genital organs. This bleeding can be symptoms of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, during the normal thickness of the endometrium (lining of the uterus) by scraping (the name of this procedure) may not be necessary. If the cause of hemorrhage of hypertrophy (increased thickness of the endometrium, polyps of the endometrium or of the cervix, scraping of produce necessarily. This will stop the bleeding and will also produce the histological examination, in order to avoid more serious pathology.
Selection for diseases of the
Permanent, does not change during the cycle of selection, with the exception of the period of menstruation, it happens when a woman takes a hormonal contraceptive, or are suffering from infertility and not to inflammatory processes in the vagina.
- Scarlet spotting a few days before the month — the erosion of the cervix, endocervicitis.
- Scarlet spotting during pregnancy — a detachment of the ovum or placenta, the threat of interruption of pregnancy.
- Scarlet bleeding after sex — mikrotreschinki in the vagina, formed during sexual intercourse, erosion of cervix, cervicitis.
- After an abortion may be various tasks on the number and color. After 1 weeks. Make sure you contact your gynecologist and drag the control to the ULTRASOUND.
- The nasal mucus, white or clear nasal mucus with streaks of white at the end of the cycle, before menstruation — the erosion of the cervix, cervicitis (an inflammation of the canal of the cervix of the uterus). The secretion of mucus in one way or another connected with the neck of the uterus.
- White cheese or similar on the kefir selection, film of white color or of the plate between the large and small sex lips, clitoris, usually in combination with bread or milk smell — thrush (candidiasis).
- White or slightly greenish, grayish color, lose some of the films of the selection, usually in combination with fish smell — dysbiosis of the vagina (gardnerellez).
- Yellowish or greenish a selection abundant — a bacterial infection of the vagina, acute annexite (inflammation of the ovaries), salpingitis (inflammation in the fallopian tubes).
- Yellow or greenish lean to the selection of a bacterial infection of the vagina, erosion of the cervix, annexite chronic (inflammation of the ovaries), chronic salpingitis (inflammation in the fallopian tubes).
- A purulent discharge green, thick, in combination with mucus, reinforcers of the voltage, after defecation — purulent cervicitis.
- The selection of large blood clots during menstruation — the curvature of the neck of the uterus, clotting disorders — tendency to thrombosis, deficiencies of vitamins of the b group vitamins, the disease process in the uterus (polyp, endometriosis, fibroids). In addition, these selection are, if a woman is worth the iud.

Selection during pregnancy
During pregnancy vaginal especially afraid of women. In fact, during pregnancy, it is advisable to be particularly careful as to the availability of secretions and the continuous monitoring of their character.
Selection in early pregnancy. Vaginal in early pregnancy, as it has already been said at the beginning of this article, may be more abundant than usual, this is normal if the selection remains transparent, have no smell and are not accompanied by other symptoms such as itching, or pain in the genital area. The emergence of a bloody allocations in early pregnancy may indicate spontaneous miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy. Purulent or whitish vaginal in early pregnancy may indicate the presence of an infection.
White during pregnancy, most often, these are signs of the yeast infection.
Brown spots of the selection during pregnancy is very unfavourable symptom. It is a sign of the threat of a suspension. Other diseases here or elsewhere. Perhaps the strengthening of the secretion in the days alleged of menstruation, the color of the discharge may be yellowish. Limit sexual activity during this period, in order to avoid the threat of interruption of pregnancy.
Selection in late pregnancy. In the middle of the pregnancy, in the later stages normal vaginal discharge can become more viscous and thick. Suddenly appeared spotting can indicate starting a miscarriage or a preterm delivery, therefore, immediately upon detection seek help from a doctor. brown selection during pregnancy may indicate a small bleeding vessels of the uterus and also require a visit to the doctor.
The selection after childbirth
Within a few weeks after birth, until the restoration of the lining of the uterus (endometrium), the young mother kept of the genital tract - vaginal. When they have finished? At the end of the pregnancy, your uterus weighs about 1 kg, Immediately after the birth of the child and the separation of the placenta, it is greatly reduced, and in this case, you lose about 250-300 ml of blood. Such a loss of blood is considered to be physiological, it is normal and does not represent a danger to life.
They appear regardless, gave birth to you by the natural way or by caesarean section. Usually up to 10 days of lochia spotting, later, they become clear and no longer than 5-6 weeks. Until the selection continues, the physicians recommend that women wash after each toilet. To do this, practice to take advantage of the small plastic bottle with water. As long as the selection, you wash in the shower and the bathroom. Take a bath, you can 5-6 weeks after the visit to the gynecologist. However, if the uterus is too dull or, on the contrary, too quickly reduced, the outputs of it can be broken. Sometimes it is a blockage of the uterus by clots of blood, and starts the ignition.
Contact your doctor immediately:
- If you have each time completely impermeable to water blood toilet seal and it lasts more than four hours;
- If the benefits of bad smell;
- If you have fever;
- If you have the fivre;
- If you feel a constant pain in the lower abdomen.
All of these symptoms can be associated with obstruction of the neck of the uterus by clots of blood and degradation of churn. To treat doctors prescribe tools that reduce the uterus, and relieve the inflammation. If the uterus develops an infection, prescribed antibiotics. You are not sure to cast of breast-feeding. Most antibiotics do not penetrate into breast milk and does not cause harm to the child. Talk with the gynecologist and the pediatrician. The pediatrician may prescribe a child the organic products that protect our bowels from the action of antibiotics.
Vaginal discharge before and after sex
When one of the excitement of the prostate the vestibule of the vagina in women begin to produce so-called vaginal fat. Therefore, the presence of a transparent liquid secretions directly before sex or during sex, this is normal.
The emergence of a dense, abundant secretions (may be with an unpleasant smell) immediately after the sex (or second day) may be associated with the cleansing of the vagina of semen (this is possible if the sexual act was full, the man has experienced an orgasm and did not use a condom). In general, these selection quick stop. The emergence of a bloody vaginal discharge during sex or just after, it may indicate the presence of erosion of the cervix.
The appearance of white, yellow, green or grey pus from the vagina for a few days or weeks after sex may indicate the development of an infection. If the mucus acquires a specific color, the smell, the need of the assistance of a qualified professional, since this sign indicates the pathology of the pelvic region. The appearance of the smell may be a sign of a purulent process, it is important to note yellowish green of the selection. This symptom is characteristic of gonorrhea, trichomoniasis.
These diseases are transmitted by unprotected sexual intercourse or during blood transfusion. By 1 to 3 weeks after infection, you are experiencing other symptoms: itching, burning sensation in the vagina, the urethra, pain during sexual intercourse. Contact spotting (after sexual intercourse) can be due to pathology of the cervix of the uterus (which is detected during the gynaecological examination) or of a pathology uterus — polyps, hyperplasia, fibroids, etc, in order To determine the causes, you need to do an ULTRASOUND in the different periods of the cycle, may be, it will be necessary to tests of functional diagnostics.