And here's what is surprising — almost nothing has changed since ancient times, and we have a little corrected the Ancient Vedas, which proposed to increase Female Force of these ways...

Course, increasing female Force
1. The massage. The vedas say: the body of a woman incredibly grateful to be touched. It is necessary to knead, to disperse the energy, otherwise it will put pressure on the woman from the inside, causing the disease.
2. The relationship with the girlfriends married. If you want to marry, then take a little of the Energy of the family. It is very important and the most noble of the energy. Many refuse to joint meetings of married friends — and it is in vain. Accumulate this energy, if possible.
3. Nails. And men are okay with this — manicure transforms the hand of a woman, they want to fuck. And it is believed that the energy of prosperity and the beauty comes with the red Polish.
4. Link with other women. Without the mutual exchange of energy, you strengthen not his. A man needs silence to give an account of himself. The woman to better understand their feelings and the concern that, in contact with him.
5. In a long conversation. Of course, men attribute to an empty waste of time. But indeed, without this, discharge the energy, the accumulation of words and thoughts will go directly to the man. And hurt two.
6. A walk. The woman must go out. the link with nature and the universe only serve to reinforce the position of keeper of the home.
7. Meditation. Any relaxation practice can help a woman recover their forces. The most useful of the meditation before bed and nature.
8. The dance of the. Any variation of this recreation will strengthen the sexuality and the female essence. Note the dance is Arabic or Latin.
9. Hair. The pose, the style changes are not just of the mood. Ancient India gives women the hair a great role. They are the reflection of the thought and of the internal state.
10. Book. Reading of the fates — the better, you understand. Read stories about the lives of other people.
11. Planning. Any imperfection, hesitation, and doubt to harm the woman. As paradoxical as may seem, but a clear plan — it is the right way to help to preserve its energy. Even in small things! Start with them, and then continue in the months and years to come.
12. Picnics. Don't forget to take with them friends! Here, the energy will recover on many levels.
13. The club of young moms. The exchange of experiences, the more an exchange of energy. In fact, the Moon — patroness of mothers, and its energy is exclusively female.
14. Romantic movies. To explain is not necessary. Invite a friend to you!
15. Clothing. Not only beautiful dresses and home! Don't forget at home the clothing.
16. Feed the birds, the animals. Very simple in such a way to increase your energy. A feeding trough for the birds. Buying a house canaries, which, incidentally, allows you to family happiness.
17. Photos. Please do not hesitate to admire and to celebrate the good photos!
18. Sexy selectivity. Several partners doom you to desolation. Keep. In fact, to charm a man — in need of a lot of energy, and not worth spending his prematurely on the basis of sex.
19. The compliments. Themselves and other women. Sincerely, a good word that will make you stronger. If you are not able to say anything nice, try to resolve this issue. The rejection of the other women gives complications in his life.
20. Tenderness. The weasel will help you to learn and understand.
21. The attention and the surprises, for no reason. Postcards, flowers, sweets... Woman — has to give. Giving it fills up.
22. Dignity. According to the vedas, it is the most delicious that could be created by the Creator. Be aware of his charm and handsome features.
23. Music. Listen to the music, you need every day. Meditative, classical, just the one who loves him. Make it a habit to include music, for example, in the morning, a cup of herbal drink. It will be very nice if you see mantras.
24. Bath with rose petals, essential oils. This is not pampering but a necessity! After having given such a small size of your body, You will be surprised at his brilliance and excellent mood.

25. Of voice lessons. The song purifies the throat chakra, and we already have no desire to swear, to blame the men. At Sparta in antiquity, one of the compliments to women were the words "she is like a song".
26. The visit of a psychologist. But not necessarily of woman! Wise, a woman can help you see the situation of another, to understand it. The wisdom is passed on by older women. For this reason, it is helpful to communicate with their own parents, grand-mother.
27. Yoga. The practice of yoga soothes the mind and gives strength. It is advisable to treat the woman, and the woman married. The man the trainer teaches only to load the body, energy to share, he can not, simply because he is a man.
28. Care of the plants. A small garden of a house or a vegetable garden — a way extra supply of feminine energy. Flowering, growth is just the reflection of the female energy.
29. Help. The benefit of any person using or ask for help. Learn to abandon the principle of the "myself", because it is a typical male principle.
30. The request for aid in men. Any manifestation of worry makes us female. Experience, and ask the stranger to help you carry the bag. The mood rises to 100%!
31. The separation with someone of responsibilities at home. Courageously trust business of the family.
The house is not simply an apartment in which we live. With the house of the woman, there is a powerful energy of communication. This is why we irritate grinant a door or a faucet. For a woman, it is not just defects, through these "holes" is emerging from the feminine energy.
But just like these little things, sometimes, it is important to man, not worth it. Why? A man thinks on a large scale: "the point of becoming incapable of all the tiles in the room, then the new will. Than ten times the fat the wall!". It is sometimes easier to hire a person who corrects small defects. Don't forget to tell my husband that you have made it clear that he is very busy, and not because his hands are not of this place. Men's self-esteem is very vulnerable.
32. Solemn, lunch or dinner with candles, a nice tablecloth and fine dining. It turns out that all of this, we still do more for himself, and we want to raise the tone well-liked. Give life to those magic moments in life. Raduyte yourself and your loved ones
33. Of course theatre. The woman lives in a world of emotions. Losing the different roles on the stage, you can not only better understand yourself, but to get rid of the backlog of aggression or share the joy.
34. The make-up and self-care. This is not a way to please a man, and in the first place home of joy even. Therefore, from the house it is important to hairstyles, to wear and look good.
35. Skirts, dresses. These clothes restores the link with the energy of the feminine nature. There is a rule not to wear pants on the first 7 (!) rendez-vous in this case, if you really want to charm a man. Found that the constant wear of the trousers affects the female organs.
36. Take care of the children. Do not refuse to help a married friend to play with the child. Any manifestation of concern for women is the way to Strength. The main thing — do not treat it as a child of a man.
37. The study of the new culture. Conducive to the expansion of the vision of the world and allows the woman not to lock themselves inside. The female energy tends to expand, not need to reduce its artificially.
38. Physical activity. If you feel tired, begin to learn a new sport. It can be not only a new type of fitness, but it's just a morning jog. Very useful for the dance! A great way to recover.
39. The demolition debris. The old things, garbage and waste weaken the energy of women. If in life, came a difficult period — it is time to remove the rubble.
40. Literature. The reading of a verse can reveal the romantic side of his "I". Do not hesitate to write his poems. Beautiful syllable learn how to speak and think properly.
41. The visit to the museum or the exhibition. All the beautiful makes a woman more beautiful.
42. A journal or diary. Every day: record your thoughts, desires, goals. Can paste into a journal of photos, or draw themselves. Your feelings are important! This is why it is important to write. By accumulating the energy of the emotions of the woman would then be forced to throw it away on a man, that he himself is not very well. In addition, the registration of the thoughts contributes to their analysis.
43. The definition of desires. Have in mind the desire: what you really want, especially in the relationship.
And forget not "I". Can — it is the prerogative of the Men. The man says: I can win, I can take it to the woman (or can't). When a woman begins to a lot to think in the style of "I can", he becomes a man. Compare: "I want to look good. I want to please him. I want to marry" and "I look good, I can please him, I can marry me".
44. Obedience. Controversy, competition and other aspects of active behavior to reduce the energy level. Try to be gentle and diplomatic. For this reason, the conquest of a man is very attracts a woman.
45. The purity. Keep it in the purity of your home, your body and your mind. The time to get out of the house. Does not accumulate negative memories of the past. The best way to increase the energy — to put themselves under the shower. The cleanliness is Strength.
46. The Arts and creativity. Knitting, embroidery, modeling: everything you can do with your hands, increases the level of your feminine energy.
47. The expression of love in any form, anytime. Embrace, kiss favorite. Say the words of love of the world, people, things: the sun, the spring breeze, rain and even the sadness, because she is your master. All the rejection and the fight devastates the woman.
48. A good nutrition. Use products that have undergone less processing and closer to nature. Remember, what is the effect of an apple, plucked in the garden? And a hamburger. The sensations are very different.

49. Stay alone with him. Do not worry about the moments where you stay alone. Do not run married only because of the loneliness. Use this time to commit. The nature is asked a monthly period, when a woman needs to think to itself (menstruation).
50. Learn to work with the energy of the Moon. Wait in the street in the moonlight, charge the moonlight of the water, and then add in the bathroom. You can ask the Moon for help in the sore.
51. The charity. It is in its most pure expression of feminine energy. If you can do something to help someone do it.
52. Perfumes. You should always come will have a nice scent. The woman is a flower. The purchase of new perfumes and aromas, strengthens the feminine energy.
53. Bouquets. Working with colors gives the charge of the new force, of the update and the flowering.
54. Handjob of the word. Learn to communicate without aggression and pressure. The feminine energy flourishes of pairs of words that are gentle, you say. Swearing, cursing, reduce the feminine energy.
55. Of the water sources. Recreation on the river, the lake, the sea is an excellent way to increase their energy level.
Water is a basis of the sexuality of the woman and of her ability to be harmonious, adapting to the situation or, on the contrary, turbulent.In the temples of Aphrodite young priestesses necessarily taught to swim and communicate with the element of water.
56. The refusal of the complexity of the thinking and negotiations. Woman it is helpful to be frivolous and think about nothing. The role of the girl gives invincible youth. Especially, this is important for the business woman. Try to leave things at work and not bring them home.