Certainly, hormones play a very important role in the life of every person. Their level of influence on the functioning of all the systems, organs and tissues. Deserve special attention of the female sex hormones, which have an impact on the female reproductive system. It is also important to know what is the hormone responds in women for the libido.

The libido is the desire, passion and sexual desire. To the difference of the male erection, appearing on the physiological level, the libido is formed at the psychological level. A large part of the responsibility of female libido are estrogen and it of the hormone. But a small part of the responsibility also begins on the testosterone is a male hormone, to which there was a place in the body of the woman.
Libido and estrogens
What hormone is responsible for sexual desire of the woman is already clear. Now, however, deserves to be studied in more stop on the way in which all this is happening in the body.
The representatives of the estrogens are the three organs of the hormone:
- estrone;
- estriol;
- estradiol.
In the body of the woman produces in the ovaries. The greatest responsibility of the libido is on the Estradiol, it is its level depends on the passion and the desire of women. And if this hormone does well, it does not deviates from the standard, the representative of the fairer sex remains in a good mood and spirit.
The level of female hormones may not be constantly stable, in particular during the menstrual cycle. In this period, and the libido is distinguished by its variability. The pic of the thirsty sexual falls on the time of ovulation, and then it gradually disappears. It is regarded as the standard.
The second phase of the menstrual cycle is characterized by a slowing of the libido. In this period of time may appear premenstrual syndrome, it is:
- irritability and mood swings;
- depression;
- girl pulling pain of the abdomen;
- headaches;
- the sleep disorders.
In women, after menopause, the excitement and the sexual desire are down. This is due to a large hormonal changes, the context in which the estrogen level declines, and with it the function of the ovary. The vaginal flora is also tolerant of the change, the mucosa becomes dry, which then leads to sex becoming uncomfortable, and even painful. In general, the period of the menopause has a greater impact on the state of psycho-emotional, as it seems at first glance. And all this because of a close relationship of estrogen with hormones from the mood.
Estrogen, responsible for female libido, share their functions with progesterone, which is not only in charge of female sexuality, but monitors the menstrual cycle. When the diminution of libido in women is also decreasing. Horse racing progesterone depend mainly on the menstrual cycle. A low concentration of these hormones in the woman's body changes occur.

What happens when the rejection of the standard?
Estrogen is not only responsible for the libido. The growth of bones, development of sex organs and the formation of sexual characteristics, also occurs with their help. With progesterone, they are the controllers of the pregnancy. To the increase of their level, women are facing overweight, intra-uterine infection, the threat of abortion and the risk of development of pathologies of the child. When the increase in the level of hormone, you need to exclude the presence of entities in the pituitary gland.
In the case of a low concentration of estrogen, the woman must cope with calloused to the voice, the fast growth of the hair, the absence of menstruation.
The high levels of hormones will manifest signs:
- vascular mesh on the legs of bright colors;
- lesions of the heart;
- dyspnea;
- the high weight gain.
If the hormones are produced in insufficient quantity, the symptoms will be the following:
- abelard;
- the sudden change of the color of the hair darker;
- the lower libido;
- the manifestation of the characteristic signs of masculinity.
Still a good figure in terms of female libido is a hormone by the name testosterone. This man is considered to be the male representative, however, and in the body of the woman, he has time to work on the "lustful" desire, in spite of its small concentration. However, its functions do not stop there. Testosterone is the hormone responsible for these functions in the body of the woman:
- the increase of libido;
- the maintenance of the tonicity of muscles and of the skin;
- the improvement of the functioning of the bone marrow;
- maintaining the mood;
- the development of the mammary glands;
- the control of the mass of the body;
- the maintenance of the vitality.

The anomalies become immediately apparent. If a sex hormone of the surplus, women are facing the soaring of the hair. And here the lack of testosterone may report on the occurrence of the menopause. The sexuality of the woman begins slowly to fade, starts the process of aging, which is characterized by dryness of the skin. Deteriorates and the state in general: you receive a weakness, apathy, appears irritability, deterioration in mood.
All of the rejuvenation process in the body of the woman depend on the testosterone, increases her sexuality. Therefore, its lack affects in the first place on its appearance and well-being. Dry skin is progressively leads to the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, the lack of the hormone is accompanied by manifestations such as:
- the decline of sexual desire;
- the accumulation of fat in body, especially in the area of the abdomen and on the hands;
- the pain in the joints.
The excess, in turn, is fraught with consequences:
- increase of the mass of the body;
- the irregularity of menstruation;
- the excessive growth of the scalp;
- the loss of hair, as well as the deterioration of their state of health, including fatness;
- irritability;
- the roughness of the voice.
In addition, an excess of the hormone can also increase the libido, more precisely, to his excessive.
Stabilize testosterone levels, it is possible not to seek medical treatment. To do this, generally, it is sufficient to review your diet. In this one should include juices, fruits, vegetables, white bread, meat and honey. As the level of the hormone is necessary to consume foods containing amounts of zinc. It also increases the levels of testosterone food rich in helpful fats:
- fatty fish;
- the vegetable oils;
- nuts.

It hormone (FSH)
The FSH is a primal substance, exerting an influence on the formation of women's and men's libido. As well as under the influence of FSH among the women there is a formation of the ovum, the formation of estrogens and the regulation of the sexual glands.
The peak concentration of FSH says on the occurrence of ovulation. Abnormal enhancement may occur for the following reasons:
- tumors of the pituitary gland;
- uterine bleeding;
- the pathology of the kidneys.
When excessive, alcohol abuse, FSH may also respond to their increase.
The lack of the hormone, in turn, increases the risk of a violation of the reproduction. It comes to disorders of the reproductive system, dysfunction of the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, polycystic ovarian. The main sign of the decline of the hormone is the absence of menstruation (for three months), or even uterine bleeding, not menstrual cycle. May also attend to the chronic pathology of the sexual and persistent headaches.
For an excessive level of FSH, the characteristics of such violation or the total absence of rules, of infections of the urinary system and the decline in sexual desire.
All of this, as for the maintenance of the sex drive and the absence of problems of the sexual life, it is necessary that the women in all the departures do not be afraid to visit a doctor and hand over analyses on hormones. Especially as any hormonal disruption at the background, you can easily eliminate up at the time, there were not more serious consequences.