The theme of female power is brilliant, and often does not come up in conversation, as similar in men, but this does not mean that it does not exist. We have even in this article, we will speak about women of power and some methods of correction of problems with it.

A decrease in the activity of women: the causes
The sexual desire or libido, as he called the famous psychoanalyst Freud, is the desire to obtain the enjoyment of the other man.
In the first place, no need to make hasty conclusions, blaming the lack of libido change in meaning or another level of relationship with your partner. Love is not always hand-in-hand with the desire of the body. First try to understand, are there other possible causes of decreased libido. They can be:
Hormonal disturbances in the body:
- As in men, in women, the libido comes with the hormone testosterone, as well as purely female — estrogen. The deficiencies in the body of a woman can cause a low sexual activity.
- As in men, in women, the libido comes with the hormone testosterone, as well as purely female — estrogen. The deficiencies in the body of a woman can cause a low sexual activity.
- Disturbances in the pituitary gland, responsible for the development of suitable solutions for hormones.
Psychological problems:
- A feeling of fatigue;
- The depression, the lack of good mood;
- The chronic stress;
- The different phobias regarding sex and her own body;
- Lack of self-confidence, doubt in the attractiveness of their own body;
- An unpleasant experience, the rudeness in the sex of your partner.
The causes at the level of the physiology of the body:
- The obesity of the body;
- The disease of the genito-urinary system (cystitis, thrush, a variety of inflammation of the appendages);
- A secondary effect of the appropriate application of medicines ( preparations for the CNS and other).
To know the reason why, you should consult your doctor, who will prescribe such a cure.
Drugs for potency in women
Due to the increase in demand to a tool of power for women, now on the market of medical products can occur in many preparations. Although most of these tools are created by specialists, not the sentence to choose which tools work best. These medications are not universal for all: some may help and others that hurt or do not give any effect.
How to improve the power with the help of medication?
First of all, see your doctor. It will tell you what is the tool that is best for you. He can prescribe you medicines that are available in the form of:
- tablets;
- capsules;
- of the powder;
- drop of water;
- ointments and tonic.
The power of women: remedies
Despite the fact that modern medicine is quite safe, everything possible is preferable to avoid the use of pellets because of the possible side effects. Increase libido, you can also using numerous remedies, the application of which will avoid the hike, the doctor of this intimate question.

How to improve the power in women folk remedies?
Methods to increase libido in women come in the form of:
- therapy medicinal products (using the therapeutic properties of the respective herbs and berries);
- apitherapy (using the medicinal properties of nest of drugs);
- hirudotherapy (with the help of the medicinal properties of leeches).
The method of apitherapy is to apply 2-3 table spoons of honey every day. The beneficial properties of this product are able to have a positive impact both on emotional and on the physical state of the person. Harmonize the rate of the general state of the organism will improve and libido, which will create favorable conditions in the body of a woman for the quality of the sexual act.
The method of hirudotherapy have very little demand, this is not just daring the readability of his body leeches. Given that this way of solving problems are some of the specialists, allow us not to delve into the principle of operation of this method.
The most popular is a popular method is the herbal medicine. It implies that the application of different herbs, and the supply of the agency approval of the food, increase the libido.
Herbs, to enhance the power of women
Useful properties of some herbal infusions and decoctions in a position to deal with the problem of the weakness of the pulse. Among them, the most effective is celebrated during the application of these popular methods:
- Infusion or decoction of tribulus terrestris. This tool is available in most pharmacies and is characterized by the ability to align the rate, or the improvement of estrogen and testosterone, which are responsible for libido.
- The leaves of damiana – the infusion of these herbs is able to elevate the mood, improve the physical activity of the body and enhance sexual desire. With the leaves of damiana, you can brew the tea (2-3 leaves on the cup), prepare a tincture, with 10 g of herb in half a litre of boiled water. Do not apply more than 3 times per day.
- Infusion or decoction of shatavari. This plant is able to rejuvenate the female genitalia, to saturate the substances of the egg and strengthen their ability to fertilize. An increase of the power in women after 50 is also possible with the use of this type of plants.
- Wild yam – the source of estrogen and progesterone, which are able to stimulate the female libido.
- Rhodiola rosea or golden root. The use of this type of grass in the shape of a bubble in the infusion to help improve the general condition of the woman, will give a unique sensation of sex and improve the activity of women in its bed. This herb is not recommended for hypertensive patients.
What are the products to increase the power in women?
The increased libido through the use of certain food differs from other availability.
The most effective food products to increase libido are:
- Honey. To strengthen the effect of honey, you can add nuts. If consume this mixture 2-3 times per day 1 spoon at soup – the result will not wait. Also in the honey, you can add the prunes, raisins, figs. Keep cooking the mixture in the refrigerator. Eat you with bread, yogurt, milk.
- The green onion is fresh, persil, celery, cilantro, in the form of the application or of the combination with salads and are able to increase the sexual desire of women.
- The application is available in almost all the cuisines of tomatoes and cucumbers also surprise your partner, now you have the sexual inclination.
- Contribute to the quality of the sex, some seafood: different types of fish, mussels, calamari, and crabs. These products are rich in calcium, which is able to affect the desire.
- Among the bays is to provide the raspberry, rich on the female genital organs vitamins. The effect of the application of the raspberry, you can double the combination with the leaves of blueberry and brown colours as the lean-to tea. To further strengthen the effect of tea with honey and bread with jam from a black currant.
- Pumpkin seeds are also useful to the sexuality of substances. They are a powerful source of respective vitamins and minerals, capable to improve the process of the love of copulation. To enhance the effect of the sunflower seeds need to insist about 2-3 days on the wet gauze.
- Ginger is one of the best ways to improve the libido of women. It can be used as a seasoning for various dishes, and as an addition to tea or in cooking.

Worth taking into account the fact that some products on the contrary, are capable of degrading your sex drive. For this cohort are fried and fatty foods, foods that are hard to digest the stomach. A day of fasting and the application of light dishes are capable of making your sexual relations more clear and saturated.
The proper remedies for people who have problems with the sexual inclination nope. The application of the herbs and products that increase libido, help to improve the quality of the sexual act and, therefore, the establishment of relations between the partners.
As you can see, the fund for the improvement of the female libido there are many, but the most effective choice purely an individual matter. After trying different options, you can select the appropriate method for a particular person. Is not to stop and not to lower the arms for the first time has not managed to solve the problem. In fact, the pleasure of the body, the intimacy with your loved one, nothing can replace it.