The sexual arousal of women depends on the metabolism in the body and the functioning of the endocrine glands, the functioning of the brain, comfortable, as well as in the greater part of the way in which the man is able to excite a woman.
A good sexual arousal in women occurs only if specific to the intimate, the first and the main signs of excitement are the selection of the vaginal lubrication and hydration of the genital tract. Visual the sign that it is wet, it may be that the woman crossed his legs. Well before the sex when they are fondling and touching, of course, you can check touch, touch a woman between the legs – even through the jeans from there, you can feel the warm, humidity.
In women as in men during sexual arousal may produce increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, breathing, and dilated pupils.

Sexual arousal in woman
In general, the sexual arousal of women increased much more slowly – that is to say, if you need to want to see her ass, she needs time, which is desirable to establish a report, and begin to stroke it. But there are enough sensitive and capricious of women, whose sexual arousal is more rapid than in men.
Another visual sign, through which one can learn that the young girl excited, perhaps to wet his eyes, the cheeks become pink, the licking of lips, also the girl who wants sex, can get to you, throw the touch, to the chance of a collision, to sit in the open air, not serr posture, to question you about girls, talk about sex, joke about sex, referring on the different sexual themes, so excited girls nipples swell, they become more firm to the touch and more, her voice becoming more and more low, and sometimes dry the lips, it become difficult to speak, she wanders with thoughts, the girl begins to falter and comfortable.
The guy is simply to notice and to understand that the girl is now desire for sex, and it is necessary to show determination in order not to miss the sex and don't find girls in the list of brakes. In fact, for many girls, it is difficult to say to a guy that she wants, especially if the sex at home, it is the woman suggests that he wants... and his body is also alluded to. It is important to understand these allusions. It is also important to know that women excite men who dominate over them, that is to say, in the time of the seduction, you need to clearly think, express their thoughts, do not ask, and order the girl, do not hesitate to nothing, etc, read the site Alpha to learn better the dominance.
The selection of women occur because of the weasels in the process of preparing for sexual intercourse. In the absence of impact on the erogenous zones of the vaginal wall, narrowed and non-lubricated, that is to say that they are not ready for the adoption of a male member. But it happens that even if a woman is horny, intense secretions does not occur, it is either because of some inflammatory processes in the area of the uterus and of its annexes, or due to the ingestion of certain drugs, as well as for disorders of the endocrine system.
At the time of sexual arousal in women, you receive a rich blood flow in the genitals and swelling of the vagina. The sight of the nudity of men is not so much excites the women, as a gender, women naked, excite the men, but the women happens sexual arousal at the sight of the male genitals, to a certain extent causes the excitement and the thought of the sexual act, to speak, that is to say, the women are excited as men. And longer than men, so girls can: tightening the communication with the man, before having sex, to organize imaginary resistance, games – to be better finished sex.
The vagina is warm, a large influx of blood and its walls are down to the more dense contact with the male organ and also stretched. In the area of the neck of the uterus, the diameter of the vagina increases of 2-3 times, by creating, thus, a receptacle for the semen.
It is very important to after the sexual arousal and the sexual act of the woman felt the sexual satisfaction, orgasm, the blood flow of genitals came up quickly and evenly, if it's not going to happen, and the reflux will last up to several hours, she will experience pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. That is to say, if the girl is horny and the sex does not occur, it will then become painful and uncomfortable. You can use it as an argument of persuasion on the basis of sex when it is too long fails. You can also say that if a man is excited too, make sure that you give a fuck, otherwise dangerous to the health.
Even if the girl fails before sex, it is necessary to tell a story, a little more about the various arguments she had used him-even the inside of the justification, which is usually a need for the girl, if the sex is fast, the what and the want to many pikaper.
During sexual intercourse, due to the increase of the sexual excitation the front part of the vagina even more restricted, almost 50%, and transforms into a narrow tube. The greatest excitement among the women is observed in the phase of orgasm, that is to say, when the vagina is formed a so-called packing, which contributes to the close contact of the vagina with the penis and the chills of the vagina, and with the greatest excitement of nerve endings, both in men than in women.

Also on the phase of orgasm in women occur a few changes in the area of the mammary gland, that is to say, to swell, and the nipples become more firm, elongated, to 1 cm, and 0.5-fold increase in volume. During orgasm, the woman feels stiff in the genital area, and, like them, the heat is transferred through the body and this feeling of ecstasy accompanied by moans.
Orgasm in women is quite long in relation to the man. But sometimes it only lasts a few seconds, as men, or, on the contrary, in a few minutes or even an hour. Persistent buzz available in the stimulation of the clitoris and during intercourse a woman may experience several times.
Some scientists suggest that, in the time the highest degree of orgasm in the woman excels master stringy mucus, that is to say, occurs ejaculation. Also and vaginal glands are capable of secreting a fluid at orgasm, which may appear after the end of sexual intercourse.
After obtaining the orgasm and the sexual act in general, there comes a refractory state to pause when even if the product erotic caresses in a state of excitement does not come. Also after the end of sexual intercourse in women to a state of excitement slowly fading.
Also for a woman, sex is important not only in itself, but a tool to bring closer the man and building a lasting relationship, that is why after sex in women can come to a stage when it will be to you very good(especially if the sex was good)