Procedure erotic effects on certain points of the body, sharpens the senses. Describe a massage for women for the excitement, the preparation for the procedure to achieve the desired result.

The preparation of the young girl in the erotic massage
Before you make a stimulating massage to the girl, must be well prepared to the process erotic. Erotic the session must take place in a comfortable environment, therefore of great importance to the situation.
The erotic massage usually done by the male. The husband or the partner should be carefully prepared with the intimate procedure. Under comfortable conditions for the exciting massage to understand the stages of preparation of points:
- in the room should be comfortable, a little above 23 degrees;
- if there is no massage table or bedsteads, use the bed. You can put a plaid soft on the floor;
- in need of bath towels;
- for the massage movements prepare a special oil or cream;
- to gain intimate effect, you can light incense sticks or use a lamp to light aromatic;
- choose the light, relaxing music;
- the lighting for the exciting massage the girl must be a clear and unwelcome. Only the dim light will help to relieve tension, and placing the favorite of the woman is erotic to the procedure;
- the hands of the men must be hot, to avoid the bad sensations of touch. The nails need to be cut shorter and sawing, in order not to hurt the tender skin of women. Before the massage, it is necessary to coat the hands on a nourishing cream.
Of great importance in the time exciting massage for women are the accessories, and some small stuff, capable of delivering the girl is a real pleasure.
The shades of the execution of erotic massage
To make a massage oil, you can buy loan option, or you can do it yourself. The house of the oil of massage prepares so:
- as a by-product of a lubricating oil of the fish, the vine, or of almonds;
- at the base, the base is added a few drops of aromatic oil. You can use a suction device of jasmine, lavender. Remarkable option would be to add to the composition, sandalwood or ylang-ylang.
If it is impossible to prepare or to buy oil, you can use the cream for the body.
To provide well-beloved more enjoyable moments during the exciting massage, for men, you can use the following instructions:
- pre-cook the cubes of ice, feathers. These simple accessories will help you to make stimulating more intense massage;
- instead of the lighting you can light a candle;
- if the girl is okay, wear a blindfold on your eyes. Thus, the session will not only erotic, but a little mysterious;
- before performing erotic of the procedure, give the woman to lie a little in advance prepared the bath with sea salt or the scents of the foam.
Virtually any technique of massage consists of certain movements, consisting of stroking, vibration, and handling. Stimulating female massage in this regard is not an exception. Listed massage movements alternate in a certain order. The main rule during the session — do not rush.
The consistency of the exciting massage for the woman plays an important role. Each part of the body move slowly, making specific movements. Treated massage parcels are served with a napkin to eliminate hypothermia and discomfort.
Challenging the space on the body
It should be understood that the prompting massage for girls do not involve the treatment of intimate areas. This is the main difference with the erotic massage of the intimate.
Man mass woman is not only the spine, but the areas of the body to the front. All the massage manipulations must be carried out without the use of force, the Movement must be gentle, it is preferable to use the pulp of the fingers.
On the body of a woman, it is a point, prompting the massage, and space that is better not to touch it. The parts of the body, in which better not to touch at the moment erotic session:
- the armpits and the area under the knees. Spoil the whole meaning of the procedure, and the girl will just ticklish;
- the heels and the temples bring the sensation of the pain;
- the kidneys do not benefit you;
- the neck of the front and the solar plexus. The massage of these places can cause discomfort and suffocation.
The points of massage to excite particular:
- rear and side of the neck;
- the ears;
- the brush, the palm and fingers of the hand;
- the back, especially the area between the shoulder blades, the lumbar region;
- caviar;
- of the hip;
- the feet and toes;
- region of the stomach;
- of the chest.
Begin to stir to massage the body of a young girl with a warm-up. It must be remembered that the more easy will be massage, manipulation, even more of a pleasure to receive a favourite.
Loving the male is not difficult to determine where the most exciting area on the body of the beloved. If, during the warming touch, the girl starts to tremble, to cover with goose bumps and the jerks of breathing, this means that the right spot to excite the girls during the massage found.
A japanese technique of massage exciting
To bring a woman as a lot more vivid, impressions of massage technique, you must use the different key on the sensitive areas.
During the japanese excit massage you must use the following commands, and at the same time to see the woman's reaction:
- touch the body only the tip of the fingers;
- you can tickle sensitive sites of feathers or soft the glans;
- do light movements.
Massage the most sensitive of the space, such as the buttocks, the ground on the back between the shoulder blades, the shoulders, in the following manner:
- when the girl undress, the man must be gentle movements and apply it on his body massage oil;
- the oil is massaged into the skin with circular of the manipulation, from of the shoulders with a fluid motion along the back and legs;
- all movements are performed without effort, but with a gentle pressure;
- on certain, more-sensitive space, you can press it with the tip of the fingers;
- massage the back and buttocks, you can do the movements, like the painting of motifs on the surface of the canvas;
- the region of the belly, the chest, the limbs and the hips massaged in two positions: lying on the back and the belly.
Important: the hand of the woman belong to one of the most sensitive areas on the body. Therefore, engage the young girl in a massage, you can caress his hands, especially on the inside.

This massage technique is comprised of the steps of the action:
- the attention on the neck and women the ears. You can begin the massage of the neck area and cuddle the plots about the female eyelets. The movements are executed with the fingers, and slight touches of the hands. You can lightly kiss favorite for the ears and in the neck;
- the back is treated in the area of the blades to the aid of the lungs of the manipulation. Understanding that the young woman pleasant is not difficult;
- the buttocks are massaged with slow movements. Touching the skin it takes a little, is gradually moving towards the feet. The most likely area is considered to be internal femoral surface;
- during the treatment of feet need to make an effort. Touch too much sweet can cause laughter or the girl will become ticklish. Heel massaging slowly and with increased stress;
- don't forget the face of the girlfriendwhich are also space sensitive. It is the lips, the lobe of the carnation, sweet day of the woman's chin. Try the tip of your fingers, move around the face. It is recommended to give particular attention to the lobes of the ears;
- by massaging the chest, it is necessary to avoid the force of the manipulation. All movements must be gentle, and in the neighborhood of the nipples, the collection;
- the belly may massage same language, slightly put on the skin of the nails.
In regard to the intimate zone bikini, erotique massage genital organs are not affected. Soft, easy to play, you can touch the pubic hair from the bikini area. This kind of manipulation to give a good, stimulating effect
The positive effect of the erotic massage will affect the result, and like sex. After reviewing all of the, most active and most sensitive to stimulation women points on the body, thanks to the technology of massage exciting for the women, a man can give a woman more impressions of love. The girl, learn to relax completely during erotic sessions, will also new sensations.
By stimulating a massage technique for the back
Not everyone knows that the women of back is considered as one of the most sensitive and excitable parts of the body. Thus, the movements of the base during the exciting back massage are focused on this site. The more excitable and sensitive to touch different sites in the back on the body are:
- the lumbar region;
- supposedly the place. This is the area of the back located between the shoulder blades.
Lumbar back is close to the genitals, thus a high sensitivity. And the area between the shoulder blades reacts instantly, even light, caressing touch.
To give a favorite, relaxing erotic procedure, you must know how exciting you massage the back of the girl. First of all, you must follow certain rules:
- the surface of the skin need to handle it gently, without effort;
- the massage movements must constantly switch back and forth. The same rule applies to the efforts. More insistent, but still gentle manipulation alternating with light touches of the fingertips;
- advancing to the buttocks, you can do more intense and tingling of the grinding process, because, in these places of the skin, the coverage a little more.
A technique exciting massage of the woman in the area of the back consists of these steps:
- once applied on the backside of the oil or cream massage, are performed with general handling. Kneading start from the shoulders to the gradual transition towards the back. The movement rotates in a circle;
- you can make slack vibration along the manipulation of the spinal column;
- the lumbar region is treated by light movements, and then comes the passage to the neck, and the man came back-to-back.
During a erotic of the procedure, the man touching a woman's body. In this preferred way, the girlfriend will get a sense of the session.
If the right to massage the young girl to the excitement, the partner may experience feelings
- the girl can cry;
- fall asleep. In this case, the partner is not worth it to wake it up;
- experience the full relaxing action;
- the fun can be in sexual arousal;
- partner completely freed of the negative energy.
When the girl is excited of massage, and comes in a small state of euphoria, this means that the session is executed correctly.
With the help of the erotic of the session, you can solve many problems in the relationship and to achieve the following effect:
- in the girlfriend to leave the negative emotions, and the relations with the beloved man bright and saturated;
- a woman wakes up the true, the sexual energy;
- a man can make a stimulating massage as a prelude to sex.
The advantage erotic of the procedure, when she performs a husband or a close relative of the man, lies in the fact that during a session of couple are no restrictions on the shares. If a man possesses the technical erotic of the procedure and knows how to do a massage of the woman for the excitement, the partner can easily go to the continuation of the occupation of love.
The behavior of men during erotic massage
For a session of massage erotic past and qualitatively, the human must respect the following recommendations:
- massage therapist, in spite of this that is close to the man, he needs to understand that the only true affection and love to your partner will give him pleasure. Not worth putting the emphasis on the general massage movements. In the lungs, with erotic contact in the most sensitive of women;
- you can't do a nurturing massage, focusing at length on a part of the body. The entire session must be a complex event, during which you can not clean the hands along with the surface of the body. Need to transition smoothly from a sensor of the phase of the body to another;
- it is understood that, in the course of the session, the man can horny. Therefore, you need to connect on the fact that the massage is done for the pleasure of the girls, and not for himself. You need to focus on the process and not on himself.
Massage to run for the excitement of choice is regarded as the best event to help build relationships and move on to something new in regards to mutual caresses.
If a man has decided to make a gift to your loved one in the erotic form of the procedure, it is not worthwhile to follow the proposed recommendations. Each pair of lovers know how to give each other pleasure. This is why, during the massage it is necessary to observe gradual execution of the session. But for the rest, it is best to follow his feelings and the desires of the preferred partner. The only way to understand the actions involved more positive emotions, and handling better give up.
In relation to the objectives of erotic massage, in a certain measure is intended to sanitize. Woman after a few treatments, it becomes easier to relax during love, out of anxiety and tension emotional plan. But, the main goal of the procedure, always the excitement of the girls, while in a session is dominated by some elements in common, a traditional massage.
Almost every man has got to perform a stimulating massage for the first time. Above all, listen to the preferred response, and then becomes clear, as it preferable to do one or the other movement.