For most women has long been an open secret that the problems of the sex life to solve the problem. It is regularly, we prove the psychologists, sexologists, and just the immense amount of literature. The permanent deficit of sexual partners in some circles of our society has long been offset by the efforts of stores adult toys. All in all, in one way or another, but the result sought is not so complicated. But what to do when the body begins to live his life and go crazy, causing him to be depressed, women are more often suffering from orgasm and permanent sexual arousal...

The syndrome of disaster
Permanent disease of the sexual arousal has been detected by the doctors is not so long ago, the first time it is mentioned in 2001. The age of women suffering from this syndrome does not exceed 45 years. Syndrome permanent sexual arousal is uncontrolled excitement, is not bound to a stimulus as sexual, accompanied orgasms spontaneous. The pelvic floor muscles inexplicably begin to decline, the sweating, the blood vessels begin to develop and accelerates the breathing. All of this ends unnecessary orgasms in completely different parts: at work, during sporting activities, outdoor, in the car – anywhere you can imagine. The cases documented, women were up to 300 orgasms a day. Natural is a pleasure for them to be turned into a real disaster!
This syndrome is included in the list of sexual dysfunctions, but the doctors are inclined to believe that it is just the opposite, as a mental disorder. It would be logical that in a state of fatigue or sleepiness disease disappeared, but this is not the case! The state, reducing sexual desire in the ordinary people, contributes to the excitement among the women described syndrome.
The reasons of excessive sexual excitement
Due to the fact that the majority of women with such a diagnosis, are ashamed of their condition and do not appeal to aid specialists, to find the disease until the end and can't. Specialists who study the syndrome from around the world, say that it has nothing to do with the rabies of the uterus, since it has not in the sexual stimuli. Is not bound by the syndrome and the inability to have an orgasm, and not with multiple orgasms.
Some researchers consider this opinion, that the disease "of the inadequacy of the excitement" may be the cause and the effect in the presence of anatomical abnormalities, tumours in the reproductive system, epilepsy, disorders of functioning of the arteries and veins of the urinary system. Now also it has been suggested that the syndrome permanent sexual arousal is nothing, as a side effect when tiny growths in the lower part of the spine – the so-called cysts Tarlov. We can not deny the hypothesis that this disease is still the result of psychological trauma: it may be that, in the past, sex was associated with pain or discomfort. Including the sex life may start with a traumatic, painful event.
The treatment of the syndrome permanent sexual arousal
Due to the fact that the disease studied is not until the end, and complete the treatment for it to call impossible. With confidence, we can say that if the syndrome of uncontrolled excitement as a consequence of other diseases, and then treat, it must first be the cause of the disease. Some people help the creams local anesthetics or by applying ice. Some are suitable antidepressant. It is also true that patients require psychological and therapeutic help. Otherwise, the state of mind of the patients sometimes catastrophic consequences, including suicide.