How to manifest the excitement from the girls? The answer to this question wants to know any man. In fact, it is the excitement talking, is the girl in the pursuit of the most sincere affection. On many of the outward signs of arousal, the man can understand the extent to which its prior actions are effective.

The excitement of the young girls manifests itself on the psychological and physiological levels. Psychological are often preceded of physiology, although in some cases, anyway.
As excited by the young girl: signs and symptoms
Since ancient times, sexual relationships were an integral part of life. In addition, not only for procreation. Sexual arousal is a kind of stress to the body. Therefore, as excited by the young girl: the symptoms do not only physiological, but also psychological. The main physiological signs of arousal are the following: increased blood pressure, increased heart rate and breathing, sweating (especially the palms).
The main sign of sexual arousal is the hydration of the genital tract. This occurs because of filling of blood vessels of blood, in consequence of which the walls are wet vaginal secret. Thus, because of the influx of blood sexually the lips of a woman is their swelling and hydration. It is also one of the indicators of the arousal of the young girl. When the excitement of the body begins to "wake up", the chest begins to increase in size, it becomes more elastic.
Even if the young man experienced in the plane of the excitement of the girls, that is to make the difficult. Much more complicated than that relieve the symptoms of the common cold. Every girl needs an individual approach. It is important to remember on the erogenous zones. Each zone must explore and take advantage of the young girl. With time, these areas with each girl may vary. If it is just to excite a girl, it can even feel like a lot of the heart: the symptoms are the same (increase of the blood pressure, etc). But it is not dangerous.
Mainly the main erogenous zone is considered, clitoris, labia and the vagina itself. These areas applies – chest ( nipples). Kissing, touching, fondling, all of this contributes to the stimulation of not only the women, but more men. Another tidbit area is the neck. Some of the women of the good affection of the neck can reach to the orgasm. You can whisper sweet words, as it is known murmur, also excites. Exactly the same as the evil of the liver: symptoms, to withdraw drugs, and physical tension and stiffness of the girls can remove the common caresses.

Especially the girls like it when the young man clean-shaven and delicious smell of the scented water. You need to create a romantic setting for more excitement. Women love the ears, therefore, it is necessary to speak of the compliments, sweet words, you can read poems romantic. After this, you can start with kisses, weasel. It is necessary to start with the lips and move towards the bottom, to give due attention to the neck and hands (a lot of these places are erogenous). All of this contributes to the excitement. If the man does not feel himself very well, for example, as evil, the pancreas, the symptoms of any other disease, the game of love is preferable to defer.
Especially the small number of men can boast of what can excite a girl with a half turn. To do this, it takes experience and communication with the girl. We must constantly learn to love him or other caresses or not. Thus, with the time you can make a map of the female body and know what specific it is excited. In others, the science is much easier than math. And understand how to deliver the pleasure of a woman, much more interesting than other sciences. The most important thing -the constant practice.
How do I know if a man is excited
Women are called to excite men, to reduce their minds, but how do you know if a man is excited. For this our disposal a large number of tools. But how to understand what your partner really wants you, and nobody else.
Of course, the fundamental sign of the human's erection. Not notice very difficult. But let's suppose that you encounter for the first time this phenomenon or is this your first sexual intercourse. An erection is a hardening of the penis.
At the time of the erection of the male sexual organ actively blood, the penis increases in length and 5 to 7 cm 2-3 cm in diameter. Very often, men use the expression "I have the pink", which means that he is having an erection. Actually, without it, the sexual act is simply not in place. So that, the glory of the erection!
However, is not always an erection testifies to the excited state of the men. Very often, among men, there is erection. Usually, it occurs early in the morning on a number of reasons. But in this article, we do not consider these cases, we take into account situations where an erection occurs regularly in the environment of a more intimate relationship.
Well, if you can't see the parts of the body of a male or a conversation with him on the phone, what are the signs you can determine that the man you want?
Of the voice . Listen to his voice. If the object of your attention excited, his voice becomes low and a little hoarse. This happens due to the fact that during wakefulness, the body's flow of hormones that affect the working of the ligaments. In fact, with the ladies going through the same thing. In the intimate setting of the voice becomes velvet and a little weak.
If the man is very excited, he begins to gesticulate and put your hands in the castle. Feeling as if, in so doing, he tries to curb his desire. Or, on the contrary, if the desire is very large, a man will try to touch an object of lust, lightly touching the hand or face.
The next excited men is narrow and a bit like glass. It may be a long time and continuously observe desired a woman as devouring eyes. Sometimes, it is a state similar to trance. In principle, a state of arousal in men is something similar to the trance state.
If you do not have eye contact, how to determine that the man is excited. For example, your conversation happens by phone, during the excitement, a pause in the conversation longer. This is consistent with the fact that, in the excited state, the men are very highly concentrated, not thinking about anything outside of his feelings and desires. Even the shyness manifests itself during the sexual act. So don't take it personally if your man is silent and does not say. Believe me, your body is now much more attractive.
The testosterone in the body of a woman
The hormone of testosterone in women is produced in the ovaries and ensures the regulation of fat and muscle tissue, as well as the libido.
According to the studies of specialists, the levels of testosterone in women may be different according to the age.

Among the girls have not reached puberty, the blood contains approximately 10 nanograms per deciliter of blood is quite low for young girls of child-bearing age. During this after the first menstruation this figure increases to 70 ng/dl. It is remarkable that the first signs of menopause, levels of testosterone in women increases. Pregnancy is also strongly influence on the content of testosterone in blood: the concentration of the hormone can transform into 4 times!!! How can we explain such variations? The fact that testosterone is a female sex hormone system.
Thanks to the testosterone occurs the development of follicles in the ovaries, this hormone is involved in the formation of the skeleton, regulates the activity of sebaceous glands, affects sexual arousal and even improves the mood of the girls.
The quality of the muscle mass is also directly dependent on him. The low hormone level leads to the fact that the muscles are exhausted, the body is ugly, and is increased by the formation of body fat in the body. If the same hormone in the standard, the metabolism is optimal, and the sport and good diet lead to the formation of fine elastic muscle and body fat.
The state of bone largely depends on the level of testosterone. During the day of the woman hormone estrogen performs a function of protection, prevents injury, and fractures of the bones, and testosterone in women affects the structure of the skeleton, strengthening her. It is for this reason, it is used to prevention. This is the disease in most cases, catches up the women in period of menopause, when their body loses the lion's share of testosterone and estrogen. It is appropriate to maintain the level of these hormones within the standard, in order to maintain the bone tissue strong and healthy.
Testosterone is the hormone of good mood. This hormone allows the young girl to feel gay-friendly, combat burnout, and fatigue. Even if the systematic use of the receipt of vitamins, the nutrition and the rest of the young girl may feel weak and lethargic it is possible, the symptoms of hormonal imbalance. It is possible that this condition is caused by the lack of testosterone in the body, so it needs to be improved.
The working sex of the receivers is not possible without this hormone. That is, it stimulates the libido, while working on some parts of the brain. It even is his property, you can improve the brain activity in general, as well as the prevention of depression and distraction. The girls, who is constantly in a bad mood, a sense of insecurity, it is necessary to check the concentration of the hormone in the blood.
Adjust the level in the body can be by the hormonal treatments. However, first of all, you need to pass the tests and obtain advice from a qualified professional in medicine, which tells in detail about the standards of hormones.
Despite all of the unique positive properties of the testosterone for women, excess of this hormone can lead to even more unpleasant consequences, than the deficit. The external symptoms of the increase of his at the women serve the men of the signs: the strengthening of the hair growth of the skin, the marked lack of the waist and hips. There is excessive, oily skin, acne. Many women notice the failures of the menstrual cycle, but this is not the absence of menstrual periods, that can also serve as a sign of the increase of testosterone.
The hair on the head can fall, but in the chest and the belly fat. When this woman may suffer from insomnia, mood swings, pain in the lumbar region and of the ovary. To confirm or refute your suspicions about the increase in the level of this hormone will help to a blood test. The levels of testosterone in women varies from 0.45-3.75 nmol/l, This number can vary depending on the age of the women during pregnancy and in the period of menopause. The excess testosterone in women can be used as a sign of sexual disease: polycystic ovaries, a tumor in the area of the adrenal glands and the other. The diagnosis of disease helps more studies: ULTRASOUND, MRI, etc
The factors contributing to the improvement of the testosterone levels in women, can become hormonal drugs, chemical additives. The causes of this phenomenon may serve: a genetic predisposition, prolonged intake of particular medications, a poor diet, pathology of the endocrine system, bringing the level of the hormone away from the norm .

Increase of male hormone in the woman can not leave without attention to avoid other health complications. The excess of the hormone leads to a dysfunction of the ovary, causes failures in the course of the menstrual cycle. The lack of control in a timely manner above the standard of testosterone can lead to diabetes at an advanced age, and other serious illnesses. The violation of the procedure of ovulation, is inextricably linked to the activity of the ovary can lead to infertility and chronic miscarriage of the pregnancy. In the case of testosterone in women due to a malfunction of the pituitary gland may be the development of obesity.
Unfortunately, an increase of testosterone in women is considered today as one of the most frequent pathologies of the endocrine system. However, the rapid detection and treatment of the illness to minimize the unpleasant consequences of this imbalance of hormones and lead to the standard. A qualified physician endocrinologist will choose an appropriate treatment by the application of special products.
The woman may take measures to facilitate the conduct of a hormonal levels in general. It is necessary to adjust the power to give preference to the dietary and natural products to give up alcohol and bad habits. Then the increase of testosterone in women can be adjusted.