Let us not hide it, and let's face it that without the sex in our life would be empty, to have a sexual relationship is an integral part of our life, and the most pleasant also. The relationship between the food and the sexual inclination is much more narrow than we are accustomed to consider. It is in the food contain substances which increase the libido of women, and men too. The following list of products is famous for these properties, as well as to improve the quality and rich in sex recommend you complete these products in your diet.

The substances that increase sexual desire
The element of bromelain contained in bananas. This element is capable of increasing the sexual desire is particularly effective, it acts on the men. Also in the bananas contain potassium and vitamin a, these components are involved in the production of sex hormones. The banana is excellent to increase the sexual energy.
The oysters since the ancient times, it has been used as an aphrodisiac. They have an enzyme in the dopamine. The property of this enzyme is that it is capable of increasing the libido of both partners, oysters are an excellent source of zinc. As is well known, the zinc increases the level of the hormone testosterone and increases the production of sperm.
The sexual desire of men and women well increase the fruit of the Avocado. Avocado is rich in potassium and vitamin B6. The potassium increases libido in women, and vitamin B6 enhances the concentration of sex hormones in men. As a lawyer increases in men, the production of folic acid, which helps the metabolism of proteins.
Other famous aphrodisiac is chocolate black, it fosters an intense development of endorphins. As we all know, the endorphin is a hormone of happiness, improves the mood and of the influence on the pleasure centers in the brain. Thanks to its content in the dark chocolate phenylethylamine, women and men increases the sexual excitement. It is a substance that acts on the brain centres and causes the feeling of love, because of this property, called "the substance of love"
Also, don't forget ginger, which must necessarily be in the diet. The ginger stimulates the blood circulation in the body of the man, the stimulation of blood circulation contributes to the quality of sexual intercourse.
Increase the energy reserves of the body can almonds, in addition, it increases the sex drive of both women and men. The frequency, the aroma of almond can excite a woman.
Celery contains a particular enzyme - androsterone. Androsterone excels in the process of sweating. This hormone is the pheromone, and attracts the women, arousing in them sexual desire. Celery also increases the levels of testosterone in men.
The garlic is able to increase the libido and stimulate an erection, because blood flow enhances. Due to the content of the garlic to a special substance, the blood begins to flow in the sexual organs of women and men. Garlic has a disadvantage of the acrid smell. If you do not wear a garlic smell, you can use it in capsules, this would be the best option in this case.
Vitamin E, found in asparagus, the impact on the production of sex hormones.
Asparagus has a positive effect on the libido of women and men.
To excite the sexual desire in women can figs, so that there is a large enough number of different amino acids. Is also contained in the composition of the fig components enhance the endurance during sex.
The enzymes of the basilica increase the libido and improve fertility in women.
The fish is rich in content to a vast group of vitamins which have a significant impact on the reproductive system. The most appropriate fish – Salmon. It has increased the concentration of vitamins B5, B6, B12.
The turkey, cheese, brown rice contain a lot of zinc. As you know zinc affect the concentration of the hormone testosterone. Testosterone has an impact on the libido of women and men.
It is helpful to eat the liver, so that the substance contained in its composition, supports the immune system, which in turn affects the libido.
To increase libido, you can use herbs such as: ginseng, ginkgo, arginine, dong quai. These herbs can be used in the preparation of food, or take it inside as a food additive. Because of its ability to help in the treatment of female conditions, and the herb dong, which has received the name of the queen of female herbs.

Also on the female libido enhancement influence of aromatherapy. Before you use the aromatic oil it is necessary to dilute it. These oils can be used for massage in the bath with a partner. The aroma of the essential oils is able to increase the female libido.