When during the sexual act the woman is uncomfortable, there is a burning sensation, as well as the constant dryness of the vagina, which means that its body produces an insufficient amount of vaginal mucus. It is a reversible state, and to restore the past, the quality of the intimate life, to make pleasant sound, one must find the reasons of lack of education of the vaginal lubrication and treatment.
The absence of secretions prior to the sexual act is dangerous, as what may appear cracks on the walls of the vagina. The damaged areas are exposed, including blood-borne infections — HIV, hepatitis b and C.

What is the fat in the vagina? The authority does not contain its own glands that producitur.
The composition of the secretion complex:
- the mucous membranes are constantly exfoliation of the epithelium;
- the bacteria in the natural microflora;
- the secret of the suitcase ceruicis and uterine glands.
A greater number of these secretions is formed in a period of sexual life active. Particularly bright, this process is manifested directly before the sexual act as a result of the excitation.
Such as vaginal secretions
Throughout the sexual act continues to stand out fat in women. Where does it come from? From the beginning of sexual arousal, the pelvic organs rushes to the blood. The blood vessels carry with them not only oxygen, but also moisture, which appears as the selection on the walls of the vagina. Interestingly, vaginal fluids, abrasive, protects not only the female genitalia, but the penis of men of the rupture of the flange.
The secret that emerges in the girls during the excitation, contains useful microflora of white blood cells and, therefore, protects the body of the woman of the possible infection. It is important to follow more, what is the color of the selection when the arousal and after sexual intercourse.
Ideally, before the copulation should not be painting, and after may appear white lubrication in the girl, if you have not used the condom. The white gives the excess of sperm that are released.
When the lubricant vaginal sex acquires other nuances, it is a reason to consult your gynecologist. When not even fat at all, or a selection very meager, during the sexual act, it is recommended to use water-based lubricants.

The causes of the insufficiency of the allowance of lubrication
Natural vaginal lubricant gel may cease to stand out in the right amount, if:
- it is necessary to use some contraceptives (such as vaginal and), crushing the female hormone.
- passes a bad use of tampons during menstruation (rarely change, the evening is not replaced by joints);
- this an infectious disease of sexuality;
- there are changes in the endocrine system;
- the woman is in a permanent state of stress and high emotional stress;
- the shower gels and regular soap constantly washing is an intimate place;
- a woman has entered menopause.
Also excessive vaginal dryness can lead to bad habits: smoking, alcohol abuse.
After the childbirth, when the vaginal walls are stretched, sometimes also a decrease in vaginal secretions, but over time the tone of authority comes to the normal, and the secretion of the retrieves.
How to combat the lack of vaginal secretions
- If is not a contraceptive, it must be replaced by others. When the gynecologist insists on the fact the tool that it has been prescribed to you, referring to age, recent pregnancy, etc, then you need to consult another doctor.
- Search for a in need of instruction, and in the night from best to replace all the gaskets. When the menstruation of the selection abundant, in general it is forbidden to use tampons, because the great risk of toxic shock syndrome. Preferably the first day of menstruation proceed with the joints, and then pass on the buffer. At the same time and the production of vaginal secret to the normal.
- The infection of the genital tract need to be treated, and then the selection of the vaginal lubrication to normal.
- The hormonal causes of nature are removed the medicines that you prescribe a gynecologist or an endocrinologist, after having done research work of the glands of internal secretion.
- In the menopause are appointed by the fund of hormone replacement therapy, cream-based estrogens.
- If the case is in stressful situations, it shows leisure, holidays and even a change of job quiet.
- For the hygiene of the external genitalia need to use special methods, which are not desiccate the skin and mucous membranes. In such gels and soaps reduces the content of alkalis, alcohol and other irritating substances. It is desirable to arrange the treatment of the water, without antibiotics, because they can destroy useful microflora.

Dangerous if the redundancy of the secretions?
Why girls "leak" when the excitement ? It is a natural process of formation of the body to a coitus. But why stands out a lot of fat in women, even outside of sex? Is it considered as a hormonal disorder? Often the period where fat differs too intense, coincides with the most favorable for the conception of the child.
We're not just talking about the days of ovulation and for a age. It is a kind of suspicion of the body, that it is ready to feed the foetus and childbirth. Someone, this occurs in 20 to 25 years, and somebody in five or ten years later. In particular, if this is not the first birth. If the type and color of the secretion is not modified, there is no reason to think the disease.
Psychological problems related to the abundance or the disadvantage of vaginal lubrication
The excess vaginal mucus can cause psychological problems: the girl can banal hesitate to this event. When there is a lack of vaginal lubrication, it may be the result of a psychological problem — the disorders of the libido.
The lack of excitement leads that the fat does not differ, in the right quantity. In this situation, women are better go to the sex therapist. When even an excess or a lack of mucus is poorly understood (e) sexual partner, a sex therapist need to go to him.