Pick up the right ingredients are easy to create stimulating environment for the women at the house. Of course, you can take advantage of the products of the pharmaceutical industry and get results in a few minutes. But it is much safer to use the recipes of traditional medicine and cuisine, giving a long-lasting effect.

Phytotherapeutic female agent – cook with his hands
Since ancient times, healers, and different peoples have created of decoctions and infusions for the enhancement of the female libido. A lot of old recipes are applied to this day for the manufacture of stimulants, of tablets, drops and powder of the drugs.
Effective recipes:
- The hop cones from the ancient times have been used in eastern medicine to enhance libido in both men and women. To prepare the broth need to take a tablespoon of dry cones, pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes on the fire. The drink take half a cup 2 times a day.
- The ginseng increases the blood circulation in the pelvis and improves the sexual activity. For the preparation of the elixir take 100 g of ginseng root, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist day. Then the infusion of the root, you must leave to simmer for at least an hour, adding a tablespoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon. Should take it twice a day for three tablespoons.
- The root of wild yam contains fitosterine, which stimulate the production of estrogen. The roots of the plant need to be cut, pour 500 ml of vodka and leave to infuse for 10 days in a dark place. Then, all the filter and take 25 drops after each meal for 30 days.
- Golden root is able to restore physical strength, fill the body with energy and stimulate sexual desire. Buy an alcoholic tincture may be at the pharmacy. It is necessary to accept hour before the sexual act to 2 tablespoons.
- To increase libido would be helpful to add the black tea slice of ginger and a little cardamom. Such a drink is tonic, strengthens the immune system and increases the sexual energy.
Also to stimulate the libido is useful to apply extracts of these plants, such as field horsetail, flowers of st. john's wort, the roots of parsnips, dubrovnik, the root of calamus, the flower of the passion.
Prepare an infusion of the classic recipe, shown on the packaging. By applying the recipes of the herbal medicine, not worth it to expect a quick result, but after the passage of the rate of exchange for 2 to 4 weeks is reached long and constant effect.

Sexy culinary at home
A little bit of stimulate the libido helping some of the foods that are found in almost every refrigerator. Those who have a schedule of intense work, is prone to emotional disturbance, often, feels fatigue, and the reluctance of intimacy, should fill out the diet of these products:
- Bananas contain bromelain, which enhances sexual desire, as well as potassium and vitamins, provide the body with energy and strength.
- Seafood, especially oysters, this is the most strong aphrodisiac, which is well increases the libido, and releases.
- Avocado contains potassium and folic acid, which in the complex of positive effects on the sexuality of women.
- The dark chocolate is helpful in many ways, including and intimate. The product helps the production of the happiness hormone and improves the sexual desire thanks to the phenylethylamine.
- The ginger must be in the diet, because it improves circulation and stimulates the sexual exploits.
- Almonds rebuilds the energy reserves, and the smell of the nuts is on women exciting. Every day it is helpful to eat at least a handful of scent of nuts.
- Celery contains androsterone, which on women is like pheromones of males. It is useful to eat it raw all day.
- Asparagus contains a high amount of vitamin E, which normalizes the synthesis of sex hormones.
- Figs improves sexual stamina, and thanks to the amino acid content increases libido.
- Strawberries and raspberries intoxicate sweet scent, fill the body with energy and help make the evening more romantic and sensual.
To eliminate the symptoms of sexual dysfunction, it is useful to use a lot of greenery. Thus, for example, the fennel salad, persil, coriander, celery, tomatoes and cucumber will be a great light dinner, give energy and increase the libido. Necessarily in the menu must be present in seafood such as lobster, fish, sea water, squid, seaweed, shrimp and oysters will be useful not only to women but also to men.
Aromatherapy as a female officer
The essential oils aphrodisiacs have an impact positively on the nervous system, stimulates the production of endorphins, relieve psychological stress, help to relax, and strengthen the sexual attraction. They can be male, female and neutral. The scented oil you can use for the fill of the smells of rooms, bath or erotic massage.
To increase libido use of the fragrance oil:

- Orange — reduces fatigue, improves the mood, makes the blood circulate more rapidly.
- Geranium — awakens the instincts, encourages a passionate relationship.
- Vanilla — relaxes, increase the sensuality, and the acuteness of the sensations.
- The eyelet is able to prolong orgasm, and enhance the sensitivity.
- The jasmine gives confidence, emancipate, envelope, sweet bliss.
- The ylang-ylang is one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs, which have a need to use the doses, as well as in a number has the opposite effect.
- The ginger oil the same acts on men and women. The subtle aroma awakens the imagination and helps prolong orgasm.
- The lavender is perfect for relaxation, massage, erotic massage, deferred preliminary.
- The neroli oil is able to ease the tension, strengthen the sensitivity, discover sexuality.
- Excellent nutmeg, oil of magic is on the two partners, reawakening instincts and giving energy.
- Patchouli frees, enhances sensitivity, helps to achieve orgasm. It should be used by the drop, as well as the aroma is very intense and can give the opposite effect.
- Rosemary helps the woman to get rid of the complex and take advantage of the proximity intimate.
Planning to use aromatherapy to increase libido, it should be recalled that the oil is not recommended to apply on the skin and mucous membranes in the pure state, no pets ingestion. The flavors, you can mix in its sole discretion, to create songs of universal.

Interested to know how to make a female officer, from his hands, he should pay attention to the spices, which increase the sexual desire in men and in women. For health has been stronger, and the intimate life more colorful, it is recommended to spruce up the top of the food at saffron, anise, cinnamon, fucus, Cayenne pepper, nutmeg, fennel, cardamom and even garlic.
Folk decoctions and of recipes, foods and exciting flavors, hovering in the air, — all this, in an integrated manner, allows to solve the problem of the reduction of the libido and improve the quality of intimate life. However, the recipes of traditional medicine would be useful to add a little kindness, sensitivity and warmth, generously seasoned with this "salad" of love and romance.