And the young men, and men of mature age, composed in the years of their marriage, wonder how to excite a woman. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity arranged difficult. For a sexual contact they need to seriously ignite desire. The man is able to feel the lust of a few moments, the young girl that requires time. Of each, it is different – for one, you can excite a few kisses special or words, the other is the need for something bigger.

There are proposals life experiences of the methods, which requires the girl to want to be with you in the sex. If the man is asked this question, it is necessary to improve it. This article deals with this topic.
In the lips
Consider it as the main component of prelude to sex. At least on the female body there are many other places to kiss, this is a wholly-owned subsidiary, to enter the top ten. It should start easy to get in touch of the lips, and the tongue needs to slide on the mouth of her partner and gently find their way to his tongue. The kiss must be domineering and, in the same time, tender.
In the neck, or the abalone
Try to take softly his lips to the lobe of his ear, and then the language to walk behind the ear, in the neck and back.
It is important!
- The kisses should not be too energetic, a lot of girls don't like it. Alternate tenderness with passion, and pause, stop a long and delicious kiss;
- Been the girl, fuck, don't try to bite. The aggression in this case is not valid. Representatives of the fair sex will love and appreciate it, if the guy kisses her and gives tenderness.
Stimulating massage
Before you begin, create an interior ambience: soft lighting, scented candles, light music. Use for the massage slightly warmed up the massage oil.
Back Massage
- Put a girl on the belly.
- Take in the palm of the hand a little oil and walk the hand in the back.
- Light tapping movements alternate with a tingling.
- The great fingers of your hand must move in circles, from the shoulders to the buttocks and the back.
- Change the force of finger pressure on the body.
- With the push to slide your fingers along the spine.
- At the completion of the made of light caress the back.
The feet
- Several times, dragging my hands on the back of the leg.
- Surrounding the ankle of the daughter of two hands, made of the thick fingers of his hands, and, slightly pressing them, walking from the heel to the buttock.
- Duplicate the movement on the second leg.
- Now, do a massage of the calf muscles, and then the movements of massage, take a stroll on the thigh and the buttock.
- Go to the second half of the body and the same way down to the tibia.
The abdomen and the chest
- Make circular movements with the hands on the belly.
- Then, slide your fingers along the body from the back to the groin and the top of his shoulders.
- Go to the chest, making it a movement of rotation around the nipples and side of them.
- The zipper should be easy, almost weightless.
The head
- Stand at the head of the girl.
- Take the head in his hands, gently turn and do the massage movements of the head, cervical pozvonkam, the shoulder.
- Expand the head to the other side and repeat the reception.
- Touching the skin of the head under the hair.
- At the end of doing a few movements on the face and neck.
The hand massage
Lift the arm of the young girl and, while maintaining a vertical position, with the thumb of the make the outer part. Then, pay attention to the brush: first massaged the back, then the palm and finally each finger separately.
Massage to the front of the foot
- Tighten the feet of the daughter of feet and with the pressure, move the hands up.
- Scroll down to the bottom and repeat the movement. Go to his toes and the ball of the foot.
- Pay more attention to the fingers and of the hand below them. The heel is not massage, there is almost no nerve sensitive.
To finish stimulating massage need at your fingertips at the skin throughout the body. After that, you can lie down next to a partner.
Use the erogenous zones girls
- The eyelids. Here are concentrated the nerve endings that are particularly sensitive to kisses.
- The whisky. Are sensitive to it. This would not only pleasant but erotic.
- The lips. This is the most exciting of the place. If your tongue caressing the upper lip of his partner, he will be in admiration.
- The ears. Intense place. The best kisses of the auricle and the lungs when you touch it to the lobes of the ears.
- Neck. Very responsive on the affection of the plot. Here, you need to show as much affection to touch, in fact, brought pleasure.
- Shoulders. You can not too gently, the girl will not be against the lungs, bites and passionate kisses.
- The belly. It can be ironed to cover it with kisses.
- The lower belly. This area should be given special attention, it is very stimulating and receptive.
- The clitoris. Of all the erogenous zones of the woman, this is the most expressed. Try different methods of stimulation, in order to determine which is the partner enjoy the most.

Doctors, sexologists recommend to improve women's excitability of gel Spot G. Acts immediately after application. Massage as pleasant as possible and guaranteed satisfaction when having sex.
Create a romantic atmosphere
Try to create an atmosphere for the enjoyment of all the organs of sensation:
For the view: love of the stylistics of the prsentation.
For the hearing: the sweet music.
For the sense of smell: the smell intoxicating.
To begin cleaning. Not worth it to expect that in the dim lighting of the girl will not notice the defects.
The lighting
Better use candles. Don't be afraid to do too much with their number: the more candles – the romantic atmosphere. Placed in different locations, they create the mystery and the depth of the space.
Decoration of the room
- As this is pictures of collaboration in the frame. Fold the young girl saw even in the half-light;
- Don't forget the favorite flowers of your lady. It must be as soon as he enters;
- Surprise-improvised a tent, erected above the bed.
Must be an in-depth treatment and unobtrusive, in order not to distract from the conversation. Include in the list of modern reading of the music instrumental, soothing, relaxing, a relaxing lounge, the lungs of jazz, foreign music and pop.
Be it a light meal and wine or champagne, for example. Well, if you prepare the meal yourself, but the dishes will also work.
In addition to touching a friend
A lot of girls contact in confidence more than all the words of love. They get the pleasure of the touch. And no matter what it is the caresses of soft, barely visible touch-or simply to caress the hair. Even shy, hesitant touch to say about your penchant. These actions cause a strong emotion and incite to lust.
- Take his hand. Such a gesture says that you are passionate about the lady, and is not far away to move to the next stage of the relationship;
- Please do not hesitate to touch her face or hair;
- When the kiss putting her hands on his waist or shoulders.
Be the initiator
From the first minutes of your interview, take the initiative in their hands: say hello to the girl, take her by the hand and lead them in the direction that is decided of you. It should immediately understand what you're going to be a leader in the relationship.
Whispering his ear
Not the harvest to advance the stamps of phrases. Thus, a young girl necessarily feels wrong notes, and you are wasting his excitement, trying to remember the right words. Try to participate in your to say everything that came to her mind. Here a great importance is not the meaning of the words, and what a voice and what a voice it is pronounced.
Start with a gentle murmur, rising gradually to low and juicy voice. Here, sweet words, you can replace sexy pithtes. We recommend that you read up on the unbalance of words for young girls as the most effective.
When the two go to the peak of excitement, you can try to pronounce the words obscene. Some girls love it.
Watch the erotic film
Sharing the display creates an atmosphere of trust, enhances sensory experiences. Don't forget that in this time of talk to the young girl that she is the most beautiful woman. Do not compare with the main actor in the painting.
See erotic films relieves complex, gives a certain attitude. Discreetly ask the girl to try out what we saw in the film and do not insist if she refuses. It is best to choose what suits you both.
Every girl wants to hear in his address the words of the beloved. Please do not hesitate to speak of the compliments, it is his to inspire and inspire. Check out, talk about your feelings, but try not to joke, if it is the ability of you is not given. The best is to read our article on how to learn to ingeniously joking, and apply the advice into practice. Do not use tactful phrases, so that you inevitably lose the trust of the girl.
Best response in the souls of young girls will find sincere words of a pure heart. Be careful and attentive to details, don't forget to rent a new hairstyle favorite or a dress.
Means are to be avoided
Method n ° 1
Do not push the girl on the lips with his fingers and try to penetrate deeply into the mouth. Subsequent deepening may scare the girl, in any case at the stage of preliminary. This can be done later, when all the barriers between you will be destroyed. Do not touch the nose of the girls and eyes, it is rather will be kissing.
N ° 2
Touching a girl's breasts, does not perform thoroughly and do not touch the upper part, it can be painful.
N ° 3
If you do not want to provoke the girl tickles unpleasant, avoid massaged the arch of the foot. An exception in this case, if you do not use the oil. Dry-only stimulation can delete tickles unpleasant.
N ° 4

Producing a variety of manipulation with the hands, remember that, here also, you can call tickles unpleasant, especially at the level of the armpits. The elbow is generally best not to touch it, the touch may cause painful sensations. If you want to change the posture, the girl must raise to the level of the shoulders or hips.
N ° 5
Do not go to the girl in the belly button. It does not cause of pleasant emotions.
N ° 6
Watch carefully the reactions of your partner on your actions and the time of your hands.
How to understand that the young girl horny
- The young girl touching her hair and bared neck.
- Energizes conversations on topics of sex.
- Causes accidentally the convergence of intrusion into your comfort zone.
- Increased nipples.
- The girl moves from one place, in a comfortable position.
- It is pink cheeks and wet eyes.
- Touch of your intimate.
- The dilated pupils, the girl breathes deeply.
- Throws the foot on the leg.
- Passes his hands on some of the subjects.
- Product of the movements of the body and there.