Very often the cause of conflicts in families become of the problems of intimate nature.
After living some time together, people start to complain that the sex has become boring, mundane, not static. No storm of feelings, new sensations, the spouses have not.

What to do, how to recover lost the desire to excite each other, to improve the intimate atmosphere of l'? Can come to the aid of aphrodisiacs.
The modern medicine offers a beautiful half of humanity different enhancers of the libido – vaginal tablets, creams, ointments. But today, we learn quickly attracted a woman with folk remedies.
What is the aphrodisiacs and why they need to have women?
Aphrodisiacs are ways that may cause in man to sexual arousal. This term comes from the name of the goddess of beauty and love of Ancient Greece of Aphrodite.
Aphrodisiacs help to strengthen the sexual instinct, even when it doesn intima.
Despite the fact that today, there are a very large number of excitatory tablets, creams, lotions for women, is all the same preferable to seek the help of natural aphrodisiacs.
They do not cause dependency, not need to look for them in specialty stores, because they are around us.
The main thing to know, what are the food, the plants, the oils of the emancipation of women, and excitement.
Thanks natural aphrodisiac, you can:
- to create a romantic ambience;
- you to relax, to get a maximum of pleasure;
- intensify sexual desire;
- quickly get a powerful and long-lasting orgasm;
- to resolve even the more crowded the girl;
- avoid painful menstruation, pathological processes at the level of the breasts, genital venous stasis, frigidity, obtaining orgasm.
Depending on the perception, the natural aphrodisiacs for women can be both gustatory (entering the body during the meal) or scents.
The most powerful aphrodisiac for women, are those who:
- have a natural composition;
- are done correctly and with love;
- prepare yourself, are extracted from the nature, and not by chemical means (without tablets).
The products of the food with an aphrodisiac effect
The best way to increase the sexual desire to prepare a romantic candlelit dinner, where the chief emphasis should be laid on the flat. There are products which excite desire in women.
Raise romantic and sexual mood help:
- Oysters, shrimp, caviar of this seafood to improve the quality of sex, increase sexual activity, is the highlight.
- The lawyer ignites love fervour by a large number of minerals, vitamins and fatty acids.
- Dark chocolate – what woman can forego candy? And indeed, in the black chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, substances that increase sexual activity. This gentle product also contributes to the development of estrogen, a hormone, to amplification of blood circulation, regulation of menstrual cycles.
- Honey – this sweet, natural product of the hive contains a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements, which give women the supply of energy, stamina and endurance.
- The watermelon. This juicy, sweet and the acai berry contains in the composition of the citrulline – an amino acid, to improve the blood circulation in the pelvic organs, improves libido.
- Olives – activate the sexual instinct, contribute to the fertility.
- Bananas beyond the visual image (banana-shaped manhood), they contain a high amount of vitamins, which gives the woman the strength and energy to the bedding of caresses.
- Quail eggs – normalize the hormones, improve the performance of the reproductive system, a positive effect on the state of the skin and hair.
The action of honey as an aphrodisiac, it has been noticed at the time of the kievan Rus'. Then you gave a young couple barrels of honey. Those who have had to drink the drink of honey in a one-month period to the awakening of the passion, and the success of fertilization. It is from there and established the expression "honeymoon".

By choosing products-aphrodisiacs for women, it is important not to overdo it. Not worth of spoons to eat honey, eat a watermelon or eat dark chocolate. In addition to the allergies and the banality of overeating, dangerous the appearance of bloating, flatulence, colic, you will get nothing.
Eat foods-aphrodisiacs with the mind: it is to eat a piece of watermelon or banana, to intensify sexual desire.
And not necessarily need to take into account the characteristics of the organism: if the honey you have allergies, then it does not need to eat, it is better to give preference to other products.
The enhancers libido – smells exactly the same as the products can worsen the feeling of the female.
The best erotic fragrances for it will be a aromamasla:
- The oil of the rose – ignites in a woman is a passion, rejuvenates the skin, prevents aging. Just add a few drops of rose oil in the bathroom, lie down in his 10 minutes, enjoy a flowery scent.
- The oil of ylang-ylang is the most popular aphrodisiacs, used in high-end perfumes and cosmetics. He wakes up the sensuality, the passion for its spicy warm fragrance. Oil, you can add to the light aromatic or take it with him to the bathroom.
- Bergamot oil – improves mood, removes anxiety, anxiety, helps the woman to quickly and easily relax in the bed, relieves stress and fatigue. This oil can be used for an erotic massage, as well as add it to the lamp, aromatic, etc
- Jasmine oil helps to relax, the calming effect, strengthens the libido, removes the coldness of discord, gives self-confidence. This oil can be add into the cosmetics: body wash, cream, tonic, shampoo, or to use for massage, pour a few drops in the bathroom, lamp aromatic.
- The ginger oil. Many people think that ginger is a masculine scent, but it is the same, the effect on women. It saves the fertility, relieves impotence, makes a woman coveted, feminine, relaxed. Thanks to this oil girls is easier and easier to respond to the fantasies of men.
In purchasing essential oils to improve the intimate mood in women, it is necessary to note that only the natural oils have a strong stimulant effect. Analogues are synthetic oils to increase libido are not suitable.
Therefore, before you buy necessarily need to read the inscription on the label. If it is written Natural oil, this means that the natural oil; if there is an inscription Fragrance – then not worth buying this perfume.
The herbal aphrodisiacs for women
There are a large number of plants, a beneficial impact on the sexual stimulation. The herbal aphrodisiacs brewed directly before the sexual contact:

- Sage – inhibits the emergence of frigidity, contributes to the improvement of the design process. On the action of this plant was already known in Ancient Egypt. Then this grass is considered sacred and has given its young women for a fast recovery of the population after devastating wars and epidemics, which have carried out a large number of people. Today, specialists recommend women to consume the juice of sage.
- Fennel helps to relax, promotes the offensive of the long-awaited pregnancy. The fennel can be added to dishes, there are, as in the cheese, and in the dry form. In the latter case, it is important to properly prepare for storage: crumble on the ceramic table, store it in the darkness of the bank. Instead of greenery, you can use fennel seed: brewed as a tea. Of the same action, such as dill, spinach.
- Margaret flowers of this plant you can make tea: 1 tsp dried flowers, pour 200 ml of boiling water, infuse for 10 minutes. To drink in the form of heat, for the enhancement of sexual arousal and improve the taste of the drink, you can add a little honey.
- The clover – the flowers of this sweet herb can brew: 1 teaspoon of flowers pour a glass of water. You can also add fresh rose petals, clover in salads.
- Melissa – it quickly relieves stress, fights fatigue and anxiety. Melissa sharpens and stimulates the senses. For tea, you can use dried and fresh leaves of the plant.
- Cuff – this is purely from the feminine plant. The herb can help to remove the inflammation, rejuvenate the skin, attract the love, support female reproduction. To increase libido, you can take both fresh and dried grass. Charges cuff, you can make salads, and dry – prepare flavored tea (2 tablespoons of plant in 200 ml of boiling water).
Do female aphrodisiac yourself
Despite the fact that today sold a huge amount of ways to increase the libido, all the experts are convinced: the best is to make an aphrodisiac for the women with their hands.
Thus, you can transfer all your feelings to the other half, it is still more enhance the aphrodisiac effects. We present to you a few recipes to improve libido:
Erotic dessert
Will need these ingredients: quail eggs (8 pieces), honey (100 g) fresh raspberries (at discretion), gelatin (15 g).
Egg protein to make the foam by adding honey. For color, add foam to the raspberry.
The gelatin to soak in cold water. Add in the eggs and honey of the mass. Put on low heat, do not admit to the boil.
Then cool, pour into glasses and put in the refrigerator. Erotic dessert for the ladies of the loan.
Sensual salad
Ingredients: spinach, mushrooms, avocado, cheese. Boil the mushrooms, the lawyer of cleaning the skin and seeds.
The prepared foods cut in dice, season with the sauce, mix the olive oil, the bite of the salt and sugar), decorate the top with fresh dill, as well as pieces of all the fruits or berries.
The perfume "scents of love"

Not to buy a perfume expensive, it is better to do it yourself, using the maximum of tools which improve libido:
Add 10 ml of oil basis-for example, the fishing of the essential oil.
Add these essential oils: Jasmine, rose (2 drops), the oil of bergamot, or sandalwood (1 drop). Or, you can add 3 drops of oil of ylang-ylang or 2 drops of jasmine.
The essential oils to choose the taste and the sensation of the young girl loved the smell.
The reasons for the decline in libido
To revive the ardor of the love in a woman, do not allow it to fade, it is necessary to know what are the factors that reduce libido:
- smoking;
- the stress;
- the lack of sleep;
- alcoholic beverages;
- bad food – salty, fatty, fried foods.
All these factors cause fatigue, negative effects on the health, depleting the nervous system, cause blunting the desire.
Therefore, if the woman is of little sleep, cigarettes, alcohol and mal-nourished, no natural, and even synthetic-aphrodisiac-doesn't help. Need to revise his mode of life and make the necessary corrections.
Now, you know by what means you can turn it back off the sexual instinct. Products-aphrodisiacs, aromas, herbal teas, all of these types of aphrodisiacs can skillfully put to use to make a woman, make her nervous.
The main thing – not too to use them properly, so they have helped, and is not damaged. And be sure to prepare tools-aphrodisiac with love.
It should also be remembered that rest, nutrition and good mood – women's aid, guaranteeing the health of the whole organism, normalize libido.
How quickly attracted to a woman before having sex: aphrodisiacs, medicines and remedies for the sexual excitement of the woman
Generally, in men, there are almost no problems with excitement, as for the purpose of obtaining orgasm while having sex. The situation is different in women: often, even after a prelude of the long-awaited sensation of "butterflies in the stomach" and do not come. And we want to adapt to the desires and the rhythm of his men! As a woman, to help you quickly excited, tells in detail of our journal.
Why a woman can not be aroused before sex?
To arrive to solve the problem, it is necessary to first clearly define what it consists of.
- The girl can not so excited, as this is not is preliminary. Or foreplay, the excitement is still not come.
- The first, by itself, it poses an option that something is not right with your partner: 1) He commits acts which, in the pleasant place, does not cause feelings or even opposite; and 2) He's not interested in you, as a male (3) May-be you "morally" away from him, some women just can't give the person confidence, that is not psychological proximity.
- Perhaps it is the fatigue. Yes-yes, normal, physical fatigue, fatigue. If after a busy day, you try to have sex and that something does not work, think about it: maybe the reason is simple, and in vain, you've spent the last hour looking for answers in the world wide web?
- The fatigue can be even, and the moral, which, in principle, also, is not fatal, but a bit more difficult.
- More seriously, when horny not prevent a certain disease or an illness, including the "female".
- Taking these medications may have an influence on the excitation process.
- May have problems of a sexual nature, such as frigidity, or post-traumatic stress disorder for the period of psychological trauma. However, they are resolved are not in line, with the help of doctors and specialists.
- Among persons change in mood can call any small thing he has in mind that something in your environment bother you, do not give to relax. Think of this as.
- The stiffness of embarrassment. May be the result of a relationship to sexuality as something bad or a complex about his appearance.