Hire someone You feel that your life is lacking something, and that weighs on you, brings a feeling of insecurity. It may be that these feelings, which are hidden in your soul, desire to manifest fully. But, unfortunately, they do not find scope for the implementation. The words in speaking of psychoanalysis, your libido is in search of the object on which it could transfer beyond the scope of its psychic energy.
The excitement during sleep

If you have had a dream that you are someone waved, it is obvious that you are looking to attract a certain man, make it so that it was a lot closer to you than now. The anxiety of the impossibility of being at the side of this man a heavy burden of responsibility on the unconscious, thus not a coincidence that he is in a state of sleep intrudes into consciousness, disturbing the peace, and irritating the spirit, who does not wish to know of the existence of the libido. However, follow your inner voice it it is necessary, and it is, in our opinion, is a positive fact of human existence. Without answers to see the urges of the libido, which is reflected in the dreams, demands compensation or complete reaction of the part of consciousness to the psyche in a position where all of its components will not cross the limits of the other. Only in this case, the person may be considered to be in good mental health, and in the implementation of the mental health is not the last role for the interpretation of dreams. Excited by himself - The dream says that nearly a person on whom you can rely on.
All of the problems that arise in front of you, it is necessary to decide of their own forces. Solitude has long since become a constant companion of man in the modern world. The gap that separates people, is an insurmountable obstacle to reaching an agreement and normal relations. One has the impression, as if all speak different languages. The loss of the sense of existence and identity invitablement approximates the opinion of many scientists, the end of human civilization. In spite of this apparently disastrous state of things, all is not lost.
For example, Carl Jung, disciple of Freud and founder of analytical psychology, stated that the output from the situation in which he had the misfortune to be a man, there is. It involves, for each aspired to become a real person. And this is only possible if the person is committed to self-knowledge, as we often have, turn their eyes to the knowledge of the reality, we forget the personal development and knowledge. The dreams, the opinion of psychoanalysts, that contribute to these positive cognitive aspirations.