What are the signs of sexual arousal? This question is raised by many representatives of the stronger sex. In fact, it is very important to capture this moment when the girl is ready to go to the most intimate part of the action.

There are two groups of signs of the arousal of the woman. Those that you can see and you can feel. Often, girls try to hide his interest in the male sex. But not all of the reactions of the body are amenable to conscious control. Do not worry! The body language will show you all his secret desires.
The secrets of the physiology
In women, unlike men, the physiology of excitement to arrange much more difficult. All cases of an interaction of hormones. Also, not to cost of under-estimating the value of foreplay. It allows the girl to give the wave-length desired, and then reach the peak of pleasure. Of course, there are exceptions, when the passion covers literally every cell of his body in a few seconds. But to be honest, it happens often.
We will eventually we will understand what is happening with the female body during arousal. Observes a tide of blood to the pelvic organs. Lips increase and become more soft. Also increasing in size and the clitoris, that something like erectile in men. Clit — area ultra-sensitive. Therefore, when blandior his beloved be careful, pressure or friction can cause discomfort.
The suite is distinguished by its great quantity of vaginal lubrication. The entrance of the vagina dilates slightly, preparing to have sex. It is remarkable that, in this time, girls may show the movement characteristics of the basin.
The main signs of female arousal
Suppose, for example, your long-term relationship reaches a new level. How to recognize a signal to the sex?
The body of a girl will tell you a lot. The key is to know where to look.
First note the dress in which the lady is coming to your meeting. It covering the dress, blouse, neckline, or scandalous short-mini-shorts? Maybe a woman wants to impress you and awaken your instincts.
The sign of a powerful human desire is the posture. The girls will arch the back and keep your posture as well, for the chest and buttocks were enticing rounded shape.
The external symptoms of excitement are pretty obvious. Experienced men at a glance, can understand fun was his girlfriend.
To do this, there are the following signs:
- Person. On the cheeks appears slight or redness. It is possible to evaluate in one of two ways: or it is already calidum, or even shy.
- The eyes. Persistent, dilated pupils, even in the light of the day, dimidium-clausa eyelids, a flutter of eyelashes, a coquettish blink of an eye, the eyes and jacky glow say that the lady you are not indifferent.
- The gaze is focused on you, is to the lips or other parts of the body.
- The skin. Reddish, the increase of the surface of the blood vessels. The whole body is covered with easy sweating. When your tangit or compliments may be covered with "creeps".
- The lips. Ajar, to dry, the lady will try to humidify the language. A characteristic of the flirtation mordentes lips, from passionate eyes.
- Of the palm. The more often wet. The girl is not going to know where to place his hands. Begins to tirailler the hair, hitting with fingers on the table, unconsciously caressing.
- The breathing. Quickens, becomes shallow, and intermittent. In cases of strong sexual excitement sometimes manifests the feeling of a lack of oxygen. A sign that the girl is at the limit. When breathing through the mouth of the throat is often dry, and the girl falls frantically to swallow his saliva.
- The pulse. As chance would have it, tap on the forearm of the girl: her pulse is going to rise up to maximum values.
- Of the voice. Suddenly all the inherent women's talkativeness disappears. The answers become simple. Or can abyss the gift of speech. The voice changes on the quiet or languid. Moreover, it is not compulsory factor, which depends on the nature and severity of the young girl.
- Nipples. Solid, tumidum, it travels through clothing. In a moment of excitement is better sensitive to the touch.

The signs above are not 100% reliable. They are not only at the libido, and if the interest for the opposite sex. They manifest themselves in other situations (swelling of the nipples against the cold, the sweat from the hands of the excitation).
It is IMPORTANT!Need all sides to assess the situation in which you are a lady and not start with one or two of the symptoms.
The behavior of ladies, and intentions sexy
According to the intentions of the woman, the topic of your conversation may vary. Appear questions about the sexual experience, or even proposals to move more comfortable.
Representatives of the fair sex can also show their interest in an intimate relationship in the behavior.
A woman wants you if you:
- it contributes to the random touching;
- attractive leads to the top-to the bottom of the glass rod;
- results of the themes in the course of the intimate;
- discovers the shoulders and untie пуговку on the neckline.
The neck is very strong erogenous separated. Its pats can attest that the lady is ready to make it with you love, here and now.
Your companion will try to nudis his body: omittitur ramp or unbuttoned button on the chest.
At the time of the maximum of the lust of the young girl will literally go to you. When the kiss strongly caress, letting him know that "you're my". In the case of a strong passion, you will feel her nails in his back. In case of contact of your body, from the chest of your beloved will be to escape a soft whimper.
It is IMPORTANT!"Thick" a hint of desire for intimacy will be touch and caress a member, scrotum or buttocks.
The reaction what are the two organs, it is impossible to simulate?
The men remember that, for girls, there are only two real characteristic sex — the nipples and the clitoris. The first poses no problems, because they can be visible, even when the woman is wearing a light jacket or a slim bra. And here's the second, you can't feel it. In the case where you do not have access to his bottom, no problem. Gently move the hand to the top of the inner part of the thighs. Even through the jeans, you will feel the softness and the warmth of the humidity.
Keep in mind that, even in the presence of all signs, the case until the copulation may not happen. In addition to the physical arousal in women, plays a role again and psychological. Here come into play of compliments, brands, and of course, the prelude. Lend it time for the passions reaches its peak.
Results: 10 key signs of female arousal
Therefore, we will identify the 10 main signs of sexual desire in women:

- The redness of the face, may be the neck and the neckline.
- The rhythm of the breathing and heart rate.
- Dilated pupils, affectionate, dimidium-clausa eyelids.
- In a hoarse voice, slight groan.
- The hard nipples, sticking out of underwear.
- An irresistible urge to touch her man.
- The conversations on sex.
- The posture characteristic sway of her hips while walking.
- The increase in the clitoris and lips.
- Wet the panties.
Don't forget that the desire for intimacy occurs in women in the head. To make a good impression, offer flowers and make your lady more attention. Make it clear that you're as excited, as for you, it is the most coveted and the most sexy woman in the world. In this case, the reaction of the body you will not disappoint.